Recent Hints
I wish direct communication were possible. But I don't have her number. And I can't go to her events. But I don't feel a sense of closure either. There are still hints here and there. Her attitude has always been, it happens during face time or not.
Justin Krebs showed up on his own at the Al Franken event. I have a feeling that might have been a response to this: Caputo: Closure? He must be like, wait a minute, I might have acted a little bit of an asshole on day one for two seconds, but I was there. Something did happen.
Months and months after day one, I am at Rudy's, and a Brooklyn woman gets drunk and throws herself on a Manhattan Kombiz, and Justin and friends have to escort her to a cab outside. He comes back, and shares the story, and looks at me puzzled. Why did a fancy banker, Upper West Side, Manhattan woman throw herself at you on day one? Who are you? Where are you from? He looked genuinely puzzled. And she was not even drunk.
Well, Justin, what happened was Brooke Ellison happened. She saw me talk to Brooke Ellison, and she fell for me. Brooke Ellison happened to her, black guy running for Governor happened to me.
Ben was there at the Chinatown party: Drinking Liberally, 2nd Annual Fundraiser, Chinatown. He is like, how about a brunch for a first date? Sex happens on the second date. He was talking of elephants and horses and an Indian wedding ceremony he recently went to. "There was no elephant." That felt surreal to me. Was that his response to my coffee talk?
At the Washington governor event at Opal, a venue suggested by me at my blog long months back at the Rangel event, she placed three strikes on me: Carolyn, Jennifer and the Bombay Palace woman. I placed one strike on her at the Planned Parenthood event. The blog entry for that day has been a major marker in time. Caputo before and after. She kept throwing hints. The Bombay Palace woman was a hint, the one who said "The event has not started yet." Jennifer was strategically planted on the street around 6 PM of the Arianna event.
Finally I have apologized for my bad conduct on February 7. And it has been a week. How do you know if the apology worked or not?
So you threw the hint at the Bombay Palace event, and the Arianna event, and I got it, and I apologized.
Is it possible that it is over before it began? I have been seeking relationship advice from some random, and some not so random people. One was, do you know if she is not married, does she have a ring? Another was, it is possible she found someone else in the mean time. A third was, an average date in NYC lasts two months. Yet another was, people in Manhattan are fully career oriented, there is no time for love. One was, just drop it. Another: if you really like her, never say never, never give up, keep trying.
She was single on day one. She was single at that summer bash where I got a "China and Africa" message. She was single at the Holiday party. She was single on February 7. She was single at the Bombay Palace event. The venue was a response to my calling her queen. She was single at the Arianna event, or she would not have planted Jennifer on the street, and the white guy at th door. That was her caring too much for me. It is possible she found someone else after the Arianna event, entirely possible. But how likely is that? But I am happy for anyone who can find love, like Bruce Willis once said. The founding fathers might have also said it.
Some Scenarios
Did I come too strong? Did I go too far with my poetry? I'd like to believe not. I wanted to make it absolutely clear that I liked her, and to the extent I did.
Was the president talk something outlandish? I have thought of that some times. Of all the biggies I have come to know in the Manhattan political circles - Lewis Cohen, Tracey Denton, Kristina Hoke, Justin Krebs, Dave Pollak - Caputo is the only one who has come across to me as someone who could some day run for major office. I have a feeling the rest are not even going to run, like never. That is my political observation. That is not a potential relationship observation. Actually I have been so detailed with my president talk for her, that if we were to go out, I would ask her point blank, tell me without thinking about it at all, tell me, do you see yourself running for office down the line? If she says no, I'd be like, drop it. I will not bring this up again.
But work and career have to be talked about. Months and months back when she was like, you are a blogger, and that is enough, I am like, no, I want you to take interest in the cutting edge work I have been doing for Nepal, and the big tech plans I have. My idea of unconditional love is not that you get to suggest I am some kind of a career loser, and that is still okay. I will go pound to pound with you on the money: I just need a few years.
At the Texas debate watch party, when she said "you are delusional," that so pissed me off. I thought she was disrespecting my dreams, and was suggesting it was outlandish of me to write she was going to be president some day. At the spy event she made it clear she was not referring to my dreams, but rather to my reaction to the mandatory coat check at the Holiday party. That little gesture on her part opened up the poetry floodgates.
The Bombay Palace event was a slap in my face. The Planned Parenthood event was supposed to be that big day when we talked and hooked up. But you turned it into such an anticlimax. Now take this. I will build you up, and then I will have you thrown out. We are even now.
I don't feel like I came too strong. She is an intense, aggressive woman herself. Did I talk outlandish career talk? That talk can not have harmed things. She is the one who tried to get her picture taken with that young Pakistani girl. As for my company, I am talking big. I came to NYC for this company. You don't have to run for president if you don't want to, but I am not about to start talking small about my young company.
February 7
I messed up on February 7. Me talking suggestive about her Hispanic dude friend was a major gender trigger to her. But I hope that helps her understand my triggers: the KY/IN trigger on day one, the don't-touch-me trigger which actually was an I-am-going-to-become-Condi threat, and the mandatory coat check trigger.
Ms. Caputo, how about dinner?
Earthen Oven (Indian)
53 West 72 St
(at Columbus Ave)
New York, NY 10023
Ph: 212-579-8888
Lunch11:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Dinner5:00 PM - 11:00 PM
People, Computers
She is amazing at 5.0. (Web 5.0: Face Time) People are to her what computers and the internet are to me. If I were to get together with her, I would get super active with DL21C. I would seek a fresh start, clean slate with every DL21C person who pissed me off, and who I have pissed off. But they will have to understand I have not been in a very social phase of my life the past few years. I was doing cutting edge work in the 2.0 environment. I don't apologize for the work I did: Nobel Peace Prize 2008: Making A Case For Nepal (2). I had time and space to date her, but not any social space to get active with the DL21C, or get to know the people around her. Now I am eager to become a people person. It is not bye bye 2.0, it is more like, there is no 2.0 without 5.0.
Yellow Roses, Apology Card
Those were delivered, thanks to Arianna. But that was over a week ago. Am I to send another batch of flowers? Flowers feel good.
This Is Not A Crush, And I Am No Stalker
We have never formally hooked up, but we have been exploring since day one.
Tracey Denton, Al Benninghoff
The Jewish Angst
Liberal Guy Justin Krebs Is A Poet
Looking At White Women: The Search For Vocabulary
Louisiana Senator Event: Crime Scene
Caputo: Closure?
Brooklyn Is Africa, Queens Asia, Bronx Latin America, Manhattan Is Europe
April 29: Arianna
Gender Talk: Coming At It From The Future
Skyward Bound
Philly Debate: Quick Impressions During
Nobel Peace Prize 2008: Making A Case For Nepal (2)
Sexism Bothers Me Directly
How to Tame a Free Spirit
Nobel Peace Prize 2008: Making A Case For Nepal
Two New Chapters
Nepal Votes
Some Reflections: Three Years In NYC
In Anticipation
Political Sci-Fi
I Am Different
I Am A Buddhist Like Richard Gere
I Dedicate This City To You
Love Is The Reason
New York City's Progressive Galaxy
Blueprint For DL21C: Party Inside A Party
Tera Saath Hai To Mujhe Kya Kami Hai
Yellow Rose
Yellow Rose To Reclaim
Confronting My Own Demons
Satyagraha, Day 1
Barack In Town With South Asians For Obama: March 27
Declaring Satyagraha On The DL21C White Establishment
Eliot Spitzer Needs To Go Into Business With Me
Pained Spitzer Inflicts Pain On His Family
Pledge Of Allegiance
Madhesi Movement Victory In Nepal
Yellow Roses
Rabbits Birthing Rabbits
Going To Ohio
Texas Debate
Texas Debate Watch: Two Stops
Texas Debate Watch: Another Story In Indigntiy?
My Third World People Don't Get To Vote In This City
Wrong Circles
Three Very Different Worlds: Nepal, Obama, Startup
Mark Penn At Strand
Looking For 10 Ninja Women
Planned Parenthood: First Impressions
Message To Elizabeth Caputo: SOS Call
Planned Parenthood: A Different Kind Of Event
Tonic: What A Party
The Need For A Race Gender Coalition
A Vote For Barack Is Not A Vote Against Hillary
Building Social Muscles
Progressive Political Religion: No Place For Superpowers
An Ode To White Women: I Think I Am Going Hispanic
5.0 With Manhattan Organizations
Global Trafficking Of Women
Nobody Quite Like Benazir
How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head
It Is A RSVP: Here I Come DL21C
The Al Qaeda And Political Organizations In Manhattan
2.0 Penetrates DL21C
Martha Outed Kenton And Women With Issues
Spitzer Is Right, Albany Is Wrong
An Open Letter To Elizabeth Caputo
Iowa: One And A Half Victory Parties
2.0 Screen Time, 5.0 Face Time, Of Racialism, Progressive Group Dynamics
Benazir, One Whose Looks Have No Parallel
Benazir, Last Month
Benazir, Benazir
December Baby?
I Want To Join The DL21C Steering Committee
Holiday Party 4: Is This Where The Bingo Game Is At?
Sunday 8 PM, Holiday Party 4
The Doors: Out Of The Box Thinking
"Is This An Obama Party?"
December 18: Crash The Party
Tim Russert Measures Up
Barack In Boston
The 12 Year Itch
Barack, "He Walks Between Worlds"
Benazir Bhutto: No American Stooge
Benazir Should Address Many Mass Rallies, Hold No Street Events, Keep Tight Security Around Her House, Office
Benazir And Islamofascism
Burma: Time For Nonviolent Guerilla Warfare
The Largest Rally In US Presidential Campaign History
Tim Russert: Bill O'Reilly's Lower Case Cousin
Barack's Mother Makes An Appearance
David Paterson
DL21C Annual Summer Bash: Barack Won The Straw Poll
NYC, Obama, Structure, Me
Michelle Obama Is Just Fabulous
I Touched Obama: Babel, Barack
There Is An Albert Einstein On The Obama Campaign Staff
Wife Won't Do, Got To Court Women With Policy And Outreach
Terry McAuliffe: E=mc^2
Long Walk To Freedom
Long Walk To Freedom: Just A Third World Guy Dazzled By The City
Muscular Gender Agenda
7 Point Agenda For New York City
DL21C Events: High Class Acts
Jupiter And Obama
An Obama Administration
MYD, High Tech, High Touch
Laloo Yadav: Future Prime Minister Of India
Money And Manhattan
December 12 DL21C Bash
Kentucky Dude, November 29
Drinking Liberally: Session X
On November 7: In Harlem: For Obama
Democratic Vision For The 21st Century
Switching To Obama
"First Nancy Pelosi, Then Hillary"
Seaport Diwali
Hands Off Brooke Ellison
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