Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the unconventional warfare and combat with which small group combatants (usually civilians) use mobile tactics (ambushes, raids, etc) to combat a larger, less mobile formal army. The guerrilla army uses defense (draw enemy forces to terrain unsuited to them) and mobility (advantage and surprise) in attacking vulnerable targets in enemy territory. ....... The upper end is composed of a fully integrated political-military strategy, comprising both large and small unitsThose Out West: Australia, Japan, Europe, America
Collect and disseminate the news. Launch and grow organizations. Use open and clandestine tools. Raise money, tons of money. Raise money online from whoever. Hold rallies, small and large. Lobby elected officials.
Reach out to the democracy activists in Thailand and India. They are closer to the ground. They can do more. Fund them. Money is key.
Use online tools. Google News, Google's Blogger (you can set it up private or public), Google Talk.
Those In Thailand And India
You are the bridge between the larger diaspora and those inside Burma.
Those Inside Burma
Maintain and strengthen your clandestine network of democracy activists. You need a national network. But Rangoon is going to be the battlefield.
There has to be an inner core of the trusted members. Then there has to be an outer ring of activists who do much of the legwork but who are largely unknown, to the public as well as to the regime. When the telephone is not an option, use teenagers as couriers over short distances from house to house.
There is only one way to do this: by getting millions to come out into the streets.
There has to be a clear political goal, and there has to be clear political action.
What could that goal be? An unconditional release of all political prisoners, and a recognition of the 1990 parliament as the legitimate parliament. That parliament will function as the interim parliament, will draw up an interim constitution, it will get one year to hold elections to a constituent assembly.
What will be the action? You perhaps start by calling for shutting down the country for four days, and holding street rallies during those four days. You build during those four days. On the fourth day you announce the shutdown will be indefinite until the two political demands are met.
Expect a few hundred people to die. Expect a few thousands to get injured. Expect 10,000 to get arrested.
Psychological Warfare
The camera is your gun. The military should be scared of every window in Rangoon. This is war with communications technology.
The hundreds who died recently: they did not die in vain. This momentum should not be lost.
Burma: Time For Hyper Action
The World Is Failing Burma
Burma: Than Shwe Is Going To The Hague
Britain Is Betraying Burma
Burma: Time For All Out Sanctions By All Powers
Burma: Momentum Is Key To Victory
In Solidarity With The Burmese People
On The Web
On Guerrilla Warfare
Guerrilla Warfare
PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS IN GUERRILLA WARFARE Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle defined...... In effect,the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the"political animal" has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets....... Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the "environment" in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined. ...... This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population.
Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare
guerrilla warfare -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Michelle's Little Accident: This Looks Bad On Obama 2008
- Why was a 22 year old driving that van? Why not a seasoned driver?
- Why was there not a caravan of three vehicles? One in the front, one in the rear?
- Was the guy in the motorbike wearing a helmet at least? If not, did he get a ticket?
In The News
UN Security Council Blasts Burma Sky News, United Kingdom
Burma man dies under torture
Burma centre of opium production in Asia
A junta synonymous with horror
UN Envoy to Return to Asia Amid Continuing Burma Crisis
India gives no ground on Burma
Burmese Crackdown Crushes Local Tourism Industry
A history of repression
Burma bloggers return as regime lifts blackout
The next head of the army BBC patience, diligence, intelligence and sheer determination. ..... Gen Kiani's clan is one of the largest and most powerful in the northern Jhelum area of Pakistan's largest province, Punjab. ....... He is a graduate of army colleges in Quetta and Islamabad, and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth in the US. ...... Gen Kiani is president of the Pakistan Golf Association and an avid golfer. ...... He is respected in the army as a professional soldier who deliberately keeps a low profile. ....... Gen Kiani has never been seen a part of President Musharraf's inner circle. But the president has always turned to him when the going gets tough. ........ In his book, In the Line of Fire, President Musharraf writes how the investigations into the attacks initially ran into problems because of inter-agency rivalries. ...... "But these disappeared when I appointed Kiani in charge of investigations," the president wrote. ....... Soon after he was made the head of Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency. ...... Gen Kiani again emerged as a saviour, helping with attempts to broker a power-sharing deal with former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. ...... Gen Kiani has patiently bided his time while the names of other potentials were bandied around.
Society in ferment The protests were crushed, but politically Burma has awoken despite the military crackdown, there is still a feeling on the streets of Rangoon that regime change could happen. ...... Rangoon is an untidy place, its colonial-era buildings are mildewed and crumbling, and washing flaps from the windows. ...... Step off the main avenues and you will find streets that are cracked and potholed, filled with cars, motorbikes, bicycles, rickshaws, mangy dogs and crowds of people - Burmese of many ethnic backgrounds... the ethnic majority Burmans, the Indians, the Karen and the Shan, the Chinese, and many others. ........ even a population of Burmese Jews with their own vibrant synagogue. ...... The watchers are everywhere, though you can often spot them for they are conspicuously well dressed. ....... They wear clean and well-pressed shirts and are sleek with good living. Unlike most Burmese, they do not smile back when you smile at them. ....... In the daily newspaper, the New Light of Myanmar - the junta's name for Burma - there are full-page advertisements attacking foreign media, with the BBC singled out for special venom. ...... A secret policeman is in the business of fear. ...... the everyday conversations in markets or at tea stalls, where public rage against the regime was expressed in forceful terms. ........ The protests have been crushed for now, but nobody should make the mistake of believing that the moment has been lost. ...... What I detected more than anything else was a society in ferment, still coming to terms with the unprecedented assault on the clergy, but awakened to its own potential to create change. .......... A time was coming, I thought, when one might walk the streets of Rangoon, past the tea shops and the little restaurants, the sellers of jasmine and incense, and find a familiar face with whom to sit and drink tea and talk of the days of fear, knowing that they belonged to history.
Taleban's backyard Meeting militants roaming unhindered in Pakistan's tribal areas the man who arguably is Pakistan's most feared militant. ....... Baitullah Mehsud ..... The shop is full of customers, many of whom carry AK-47 rifles. ..... Jandola marks the beginning of their territory which extends right up to the Afghan border. ..... The militants drive in cars captured from the army .... Shias are despised by the predominantly Sunni Muslim Taleban. ....... When our contacts finally arrive, the change in the atmosphere is electric as their leader walked in. ....... a harsh, arid terrain, with craggy and forbidding mountains lining the horizon. ........ Fedayeen - literally those who sacrifice themselves - is the Taleban honorific for a suicide bomber. ....... The Taleban take advantage of solar energy ..... Before partition, he says, Mehsud tribesmen ambushed a 200-vehicle British convoy here. ...... not a single man escaped as the British forces were cut down. ........ another invading army - this time in the form of the Pakistani military - is also trying to blunder its way through. ......... in this territory, there is almost a complete absence of Pakistani soldiers: there are only abandoned check posts and fortifications. ...... "We will not tolerate the presence of any armed men other than our own in our territory." ...... we pass through several small villages. The reaction of the people is startling - the children smile and wave, while the adults look on with respect and pride. It appears that local support for the militants is almost universal. ..... What we didn't know at this stage was that Baitullah Mehsud was not here, but away fighting in Afghanistan.
Obama: Clinton's vote for Iran measure repeats Iraq mistake CNN Sen. Barack Obama: President could use Iran measure to justify military action ...... Obama says Sen. Hillary Clinton's vote for resolution shows "flawed" judgment ..... Clinton says vote will permit sanctions against Iran, not military action ...... Differences with Clinton will be clear in "next phase" of campaign, Obama says ....... Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday criticized a recent vote by Democratic presidential rival Sen. Hillary Clinton as helping to give President Bush a "blank check" to take military action against Iran. ......... Last month, Clinton voted to support a resolution declaring Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, an elite part of the Iranian military, a foreign terrorist group. (The nonbinding amendment to the Defense Authorization Act passed by a 76-22 vote.) .......... there was embodied in this legislation, or this resolution sent to the Senate, language that would say our Iraqi troop structures should in part be determined by our desire to deal with Iran ......... Earlier this month, Clinton also co-sponsored legislation with Sen. Jim Webb, D-Virginia, that would prohibit military operations against Iran without congressional approval. ....... the fifth anniversary of the 77-23 Senate vote that authorized the president to use force against Iraq.
Clinton engages in heated exchange over Iran
Obama: I'm moving into new phase of campaign Baltimore Sun, United States Obama’s stump speeches have focused heavily on his biography ...... a down day in Chicago to rest and record some new campaign commercials, is appearing on CNN today to say that he is now ready for the “next phase” of his campaign, as he seeks to do a better job of clarifying his differences with Democratic frontrunner Sen. Hillary Hillary Clinton of New York. ....... Obama also suggested he could better unite the country and offer "something new, as opposed to looking backwards and simply duplicating some of the politics that we've become so accustomed to that frankly the American people are sick of” ....... He turned a bit coy when asked whether he would consider Clinton as a running mate, should he win his party’s nomination. .... “Sen. Clinton is a very capable person,” Obama said. “Right now my goal is to make sure I am the nominee and she is still the senator from New York.”
Obama shakes up his campaign staff Chicago Sun-Times, United States reorganizing his campaign, deploying key staff from the Chicago headquarters to Feb. 5 primary states while bolstering the ranks of his top leadership. ....... Obama is pushing to have organizations in place in the more than 20 states holding a primary or caucus vote on Feb. 5, a second wave after the crucial first January votes in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. ......... Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett, the CEO of Habitat Co. and Steve Hildebrand, now the deputy campaign manager. ....... "We're the smartest political people in America because we are actually organizing in the states instead of sitting in the headquarters," Hildebrand said. "This is what a campaign does. You organize where the votes are. This has always been the plan." ...... Eureka Gilkey, who served as Deputy Political Director for the campaign, will be the Georgia State Director ...... reassigned policy chief Mark Alexander to the job of New Jersey State director. ..... Jon Carson moves from Illinois State Director to voter contact director for the Feb. 5 states. Nate Tamarin, who was Carson's deputy, becomes the Illinois State Director.
Can He Save the Planet and Win the Presidency? Washington Post if he has pulled off a unique grand slam for 2007: an Oscar, an Emmy, a bestseller and a Nobel. ........ A great honor, they say, but not something that anyone around him expects to happen. ...... "His mind is trained on solving the global climate crisis; it really is. He's much more likely to view a possible Nobel through that prism than through a campaign for president." .......... Had she run into stronger resistance within the party, the pressure on Gore to jump in might have genuinely increased. To jump in now would be to risk a direct clash. ....... One line of argument has been that Gore still harbors resentment toward the Clintons and believes that the former president's misdeeds contributed to his failure to win the White House in 2000. And that because she backed the resolution authorizing the Iraq war in 2002 and never renounced the vote, Gore would be inclined to lend his support to someone who either opposed it (Barack Obama) or recanted his vote (John Edwards).
Canadian a leading contender for Peace Prize
In Iowa, the Candidate's Wife Introduces the 'Real Obamas' Washington Post From Waterloo to Iowa Falls and Fort Dodge to Boone, Michelle Obama picked up her campaign pace this week, telling enthusiastic audiences that her husband can change the nation. She urged a group seated on folding chairs in a library basement here, "Just dream. If you reach into your hearts and act without fear, we can do something special." .... Michelle Obama's role, as she describes it, is to introduce "the real Obamas, not the resumes." In a stump speech that she varies and delivers without notes ...... she met this biracial guy from Hawaii with a funny name who overcame her skepticism by being authentic and principled -- and cute. ....... old Washington hands led the nation into war because of their "inability to see the forest for the trees." ....... Noting that skeptics ask whether he can take the GOP's best shot and still win, she reminded her audience of the political rough and tumble of his adopted town: "Look, we live in Chicago. Need I say more?" ....... her tenth trip to Iowa, but her first campaign overnight without daughters Malia, 9, and Sasha, 6, who remain in school in Chicago. She leaves for a London fundraising excursion on Sunday and expects to be a regular in Iowa and New Hampshire, with additional stops in South Carolina and Nevada, in the two and a half months or so before voting begins. ........ she is undaunted by Clinton's lead, remembering her husband's improbable victory in the 2004 Illinois Senate race against well-known and well-funded Democrats backed by the party establishment. ....... Clinton is overplaying her inevitability theme, and will be upbraided by independent-minded Iowa and New Hampshire voters. ...... "This is the beginning of the race. People are just starting to pay attention." ....... workshops with names such as "message training," "policy training," "grassroots organizing" and "caucus activity." ......... Obama, who worked for three years in impoverished South Side neighborhoods after graduating from Columbia University ..... "The real action is not in the last 100 days, it's in the last 30."
Obama’s New Web Ad on War Vote New York Times the day several of his Democratic presidential rivals voted for the war resolution in the early morning hours of Oct. 11, 2002. .... College crowd for Obama off the hot primary track Baltimore Sun the first major election-season event in a state considered more valuable for its campaign donations than its delegates or strategic spot in the primary calendar. ...... In the heart of one of the wealthiest African-American communities in the nation, Obama attracted a diverse crowd that greeted with relish his call for a new energy policy and an end to the Iraq war. ....... College students with identification got in last night for $15. ...... The sophistication of the Obama campaign was on display at the table where volunteers were sold $20 T-shirts and $3 buttons as if at a rock concert. A shirt with Obama's face sold out; "ObamaMama" and "Got Hope?" varieties were also popular. ....... "He's definitely appealing to college students. He's doing things to reach us, and that's appreciated," said Trisha Chakraborty, 18, a freshman at the Johns Hopkins University who drove 40 miles south with several classmates. "I'm looking for someone fresh and new, who's not jaded by the process," she said. ........ "A long resume doesn't guarantee good judgment," said Obama ...... Andrew Frett, 18, who drove 2 1/2 hours from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, called Obama's speech "profound." ..... After the outdoor rally, Obama retreated inside for a reception with wealthier donors, who paid at least $1,000 for the more intimate encounter.
Obama Calls for an End to Arrogance
Clinton Faces Men, Glass Ceiling in Iowa The Associated Press the state's tradition of turning a cold shoulder to female candidates. ....... Iowa is one of only two states — Mississippi is the other — that have never sent a woman to Congress or the governor's mansion. ....... "I was so touched the first time I shook the hand of a woman and she reached out and grabbed my hand and said to me, `I'm 95 years old. I was born before women could vote and I'm going to live long enough to see a woman in the White House!'" Clinton said in Dakota City. ...... Clinton now leading in Iowa among Democrats, with 29 percent support, up from 21 percent. ..... Clinton spent two days campaigning with two of Iowa's best known political women — former first lady Christie Vilsack and Ruth Harkin, wife of Sen. Tom Harkin. The trio stopped at a Maid-Rite restaurant for its famous loose meat sandwiches, and Clinton chatted up their server, Anita Esterday. ....... her plan for universal 401(k) accounts. ..... Iowans' desire to vote for a woman is something Roxanne Conlin hears frequently. Conlin is a co-chair of Edwards' Iowa campaign, and lost a close race for governor in 1982. She attributes the defeat to her gender. ..... "Iowa is in some significant ways a very traditional state," Conlin said. "I see so many women who say, `For crying out loud, it's our time. We've waited so long.'"
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Ready to run the movie again? The Economist (she is forever bursting out laughing, whether it is appropriate or not, to counteract the idea that she has no sense of humour). ....... If George Bush senior reminded women of their first husband, Mrs Clinton reminds men of their first wife. ......... the presidential field is full of people who are “different” in some way, from John McCain, the oldest man to run for president, to Rudy Giuliani, the most divorced man to run for president, to Mitt Romney, who is a Mormon, to Dennis Kucinich, who is, well, Dennis Kucinich. ........ Mrs Clinton now exudes an overwhelming air of competence. Mr Bush is widely regarded as one of the most incompetent presidents in American history—a man who rushed blind into Baghdad, who filled his administration with lacklustre cronies, who bungled the handling of Hurricane Katrina and who famously claimed that he could not think of a single mistake he had made. Mrs Clinton is the anti-Bush: a woman who speaks in clear sentences, who has a formidable command of the facts, and who, on health care, is willing to learn from her mistakes. ........... Over 100m Americans have never known anybody but a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. ....... Mrs Clinton will bring back the same cast of characters that everybody wearied of in the 1990s, from slick money-raisers like Terry McAuliffe to professional conservative-haters like Sidney Blumenthal. ........ Mr Clinton remarked that he once told Hillary, when they were both students at Yale, that “I have met all the most gifted people in our generation and you're the best.” .......... Mrs Clinton is still surrounded by the same fanatically loyal and combative staff that she had in the 1990s. America will be stuck not just in the same tired culture war, but also in the same culture war fought by the same characters. ......... All told, she looks likely to translate this into both the Democratic nomination and a victory in November 2008. But whether a Clinton restoration will be good for America is a much more difficult question.
Obama's wife in van hit by motorcycle USA Today
Michelle Obama's van involved in Iowa crash
A hot date briefly takes Obama off campaign trail Baltimore Sun, United States his 15th wedding anniversary. ..... Obama has repeatedly made it clear that he prefers the South Side White Sox.
Michelle Obama: 'He swept me off my feet' Chicago Sun-Times, United States Michelle Robinson and Barack Obama had been dating for a couple of years, and she was tired of his endless debates about whether marriage still meant anything as an institution. ....... So when Obama launched into one of those discussions yet again over dinner at a fancy restaurant in 1991, Robinson lit into her boyfriend, lecturing him on the need to get serious in their relationship. ....... Then dessert came. On the plate was a box. Inside was an engagement ring. ..... "He said, 'That kind of shuts you up, doesn't it?' " Michelle Obama recounted years later. ........ Everybody at the firm had been buzzing about the smart, first-year Harvard Law School student, so she was expecting him to be "nerdy, strange, off-putting." ...... because of their professional relationship, Michelle Robinson tried to fix Obama up with her friends
Could A "Hidden" Youth Vote Propel Obama? CBS News, NY greater media attention, campaign cash, and support from the political establishment. ...... barely one in five potential voters usually shows up to their caucus. ..... "The voters tend to be older, less well educated, and less affluent generally than primary voters in larger states." ...... about 100,000 Iowans participated in the Democratic caucuses -- it doesn't take a huge number of new supporters to swing the vote in a candidate's favor. ..... "In all my many years of political activity I have not seen a candidate with Obama's talent. I have not seen young people as excited about a candidate, including Dean. He's just on a different level. He's so energized young people, and it's not just young people -- there's minorities, independents, even some Republicans, people who don't normally caucus." ........ "The campaign has told me that they're looking at young people as the icing on the cake, but they're still baking the cake," he says. "They're working very, very hard with traditional caucus goers, whatever their age." ..... Obama spent much of September in Iowa ...... Iowans tend to reward candidates who spend time in the state, shaking hands with locals and engaging in retail politics. They also reward a good statewide organization
Obama Hopes to Surprise Clinton in Iowa ABC News Barack Obama's hopes for the Democratic nomination hinge on getting hundreds of thousands of new voters fired up enough to actually turn out and on spending a good chunk of his $80 million at the very end of a front-loaded campaign. ......... Continue building Obama's support among both traditional and nontraditional voters. ...... blacks and young people even high school seniors. ...... "If they show up every Wednesday night to volunteer in your local office, do you think they aren't going to show up on election night?" ....... While Dean, like Obama, attracted a lot of out-of-staters to Iowa to volunteer, the Obama campaign is careful to make sure that locals are leading the outreach to residents. ........ much more methodical about counting votes ...... taking a page from Edwards' 2004 strategy by concentrating on rural areas ..... put Obama in as many rural counties as possible before Clinton can get there and to line up prominent farmers and rural leaders early. And each time Obama visits a rural county, he records a thank you message to the community that is played on local radio an inexpensive way to advertise.
See Dick Morris Seethe About Hillary FOX News Two years ago, Dick took the position that only Condi Rice could beat Hillary. ........ his kids aren’t speaking to him, 9/11 survivors and relief workers are attacking him, and his wife is calling him in the middle of speeches. ....... To succeed in a presidential campaign, you have to have a very well-lit fire in your belly. Without it, you step back, become too cautious, and don’t move.
Obama Campaigns in Maryland The Associated Press
Obama Raises Cash in Affluent Black Washington Suburb
Obama Urges Schwarzenegger to Let Illegal Immigrants Get Aid
Obama goes to ground in Georgia Atlanta Journal Constitution, USA The Obama campaign will open a staff headquarters in Atlanta on Nov. 1 - just three months before the Feb. 5 presidential primary in Georgia. ...... Georgia serves as an excellent source of manpower for its efforts in South Carolina.
Obama to add offices to Nevada organization
Judge Suspends Key Bush Effort in Immigration New York Times
Federal judge puts brakes on illegal immigration crackdown
House Panel Raises Furor on Armenian Genocide New York Times A House committee voted on Wednesday to condemn the mass killings of Armenians in Turkey in World War I as an act of genocide, rebuffing an intense campaign by the White House and warnings from Turkey’s government that the vote would gravely strain its relations with the United States. ...... the politically influential Armenian-American population ..... California, New Jersey and Michigan, with their large Armenian populations ..... A total of 1.5 million Armenians were killed beginning in 1915 in a systematic campaign by the fraying Ottoman Empire to drive Armenians out of eastern Turkey. Turks acknowledge that hundreds of thousands of Armenians died but contend that the deaths, along with thousands of others, resulted from the war that ended with the creation of modern Turkey in 1923. ............. about 70 percent of all air cargo sent to Iraq passed through or came from Turkey, as did 30 percent of fuel and virtually all the new armored vehicles designed to withstand mines and bombs. ...... Turkey severed military ties with France after its Parliament voted in 2006 to make the denial of the Armenian genocide a crime. ....... a 92-year-old question. ....... Parliamentary approval would bring Turkey the closest it has been since 2003 to a full-scale military offensive into Iraq. ...... “Memories of Turks, however, are not that easy to erase once it hits sensitive spots.”
2 Women Killed in Security Shooting Are Buried in Iraq New York Times
Obama Says Clinton Giving 'Revisionist History' on Iraq Washington Post a different critique: Clinton as a flip-flopper. ....... she indicates she was only authorizing only inspectors or additional diplomacy." ....... and not waffle," Obama said. ...... who got the most important foreign policy discussion since the Cold War right and who got it wrong."
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