Each country has the option to impose total sanctions on Burma. The US does not need China's or Russia's permission. Burma's liberation can not be allowed to be held hostage by the UN Security Council. Both China and Russia are future Burmas. Both will need mass based democracy movements of their own down the line. Who are they kidding?
Britain is the guilty party here. Britain has come across as the most hypocritical of all the major powers. Many British companies do major business with the Burmese junta. That is a shame.
The British Prime Minister and the British parliament must immediately pass a law that prevents all British companies from doing any business with Burma at all. That or Britain stands with China and Russia on the question of democracy in Burma.
Britain has plenty of baggage as a former colonial power. It could shed some of that by making sense in this situation.
Total Sanctions
That is the number one thing the big powers of the world can do for the people of Burma at this critical juncture. If this momentum is lost, it will be years before courage can be gathered. It will be years before there is another mass action.
Mass Action
That is the number one thing the people inside Burma can do. The goal has to be to bring millions out into the streets every day on a daily basis until the military junta unconditionally and totally surrenders power to Suu Kyi.
They may kill a few hundred people. They may imprison a few thousand for a few days. But they have already shown they hit their ceiling pretty fast. And they have shown they are susceptible to world opinion.
World Opinion
That matters. Any person anywhere can express solidarity with the mass action in Burma and feel like they mattered.
Dialogue? What Dialogue?
I don't understand the dialogue part. The goal is the generals' defeat, not dialogue.
Capture all atrocities on video. Capture as much of the street action as possible on video.
Back Channel Communication
You turn up the heat through all of the above, and you keep open the back channels. You want the generals to have the option to maybe go live in a different country. Get them out.
Logistical Support To The Border Dissidents
Moral support is not enough. They need money. They need supplies. They need gadgets. They need food: free meals.
Surgical Military Action
I wonder if there is legal basis for a surgical air strike. If there are soldiers lined up to shoot into peacefully protesting Burmese, can those soldiers be taken out from the air?
Bringing The Generals to Justice
They should not have the retirement option. Their illegally amassed fortunes must be nationalized. They must be sent to jail. They should be sent to be tried by the international court.
There can't be impunity for people who give and carry out orders to punish people who might be exercising their right to peacefully assemble and protest.
Burma: Time For All Out Sanctions By All Powers
Burma: Momentum Is Key To Victory
Shame On The Top Politicians Of The World: Burma Asks For More
In Solidarity With The Burmese People
In The News
Are We In A Hillary Clinton Bubble? The Street If you follow markets, you quickly get used to the vagaries of mass psychology, which include frequent popular delusions and the occasional madness of crowds. ........ "A week is a long time in politics." ...... In a bubble, momentum feeds on itself. The bubble becomes self-sustaining and, in its own little sphere, all-absorbing. ........ Last December, when I first wrote about the political betting markets, McCain was given a 50% chance of winning the Republican nomination.
Burmese junta offers conditional meeting with opposition leader Guardian Unlimited UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari. ...... on condition she gives up her call for international sanctions against Burma. ..... particularly at night during curfew, including raids on private homes, beatings, arbitrary arrests, and disappearances ........ It is thought as many as 10,000 people, many of them Buddhist monks, have been rounded up.
Situation in Myanmar poses no threat to peace, security, China says Xinhua
US threatens Myanmar sanctions in likely clash with China
Suu Kyi appears on state TV as under-fire Myanmar frees monks AFP The junta also said it had freed hundreds of detained monks, and it restored Internet access after a week, steps that appeared aimed at appeasing world opinion as the generals came under strong attack at the United Nations over their crackdown on pro-democracy protestors. ......... she was looking positively at the offer of dialogue. ....... Gambari had told Myanmar "to find a political solution by avoiding a violent crackdown," to pull back troops and end an overnight curfew, and to "start solid steps for the democracy process." ......... US ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad told the council that "the people of Burma (Myanmar) must not be let down." ...... envoy Wang Guangya from China ... warned putting pressure on the junta "would lead to confrontation." ...... draft US-sponsored resolution urging Myanmar's rulers to free all political detainees and end sexual violence by the military. ....... Rights groups have called for a global day of protests on Saturday over the crackdown on peaceful protests demonstrations in Myanmar. .... Events are to take place at midday local time, and have already been scheduled in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Britain and the United States.
UN Envoy Warns Burma of Serious International Consequences Voice of America The United States warned it will press for sanctions if the government does not act. ....... U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for talks without any preconditions to overcome "the high level of mistrust" between Than Shwe and Suu Kyi. ...... Just start talking ..... the secretary-general urged Myanmar's military rulers to "take bold actions toward democratization and respect for human rights." ....... The United States threatened to introduce a resolution seeking sanctions, including an arms embargo, against Myanmar if it does not move quickly toward national reconciliation and release thousands of detainees. ......... He said stability had returned to his country and people have been holding peaceful, pro-government rallies "to demonstrate their aversion to recent, provocative demonstrations." Critics say such rallies are shams, filled with people ordered to attend by authorities. ........ The protests were faltering when Buddhist monks took the lead late last month. ......... The government said 10 people were killed, but dissident groups put the death toll at up to 200 and say 6,000 people were detained, including thousands of monks. The government is continuing to round up suspected activists. ......... all but 109 monks had been freed and authorities were searching for four monks who led the protests, state-run television reported. .......... "the continuing and disturbing reports" of abuses by security officials and non-uniformed people ......... continuing reports of mass relocation outside (the capital) Yangon of monks arrested in the course of the demonstrations and monasteries that remain blockaded," he said. "The U.N. office in Yangon has also received requests from people asking for a safe place to hide." .......... despite repeated requests he was not able to meet with members of Suu Kyi's party and representatives of the monks and students
Junta chief willing to talk with Suu Kyi Los Angeles Times, CA Hoping to deflect outrage over images of soldiers gunning down protesters ......... The move appears aimed at staving off economic sanctions and keeping Myanmar's natural resources on world markets, while also keeping neighbor China happy.
Myanmar Forces Hunt Pro-Democracy Protesters FOX News After squashing a pro-democracy uprising with guns, Myanmar's junta switched to a terror campaign, dragging people from their homes at night and letting others know they were marked for arrest. ......... Military vehicles patrolled the streets before dawn Wednesday with loudspeakers blaring, "We have photographs. We are going to make arrests!" ....... Buddhist monks in the main city of Yangon were ordered to vacate their monasteries — the flash points of protests last week — and told to go back home to prevent future unrest. ........ the older abbots are closely tied with the junta, while the younger monks are more sympathetic to the democracy protesters. ....... unhappiness combined with anger, and fear ...... police and soldiers rounding up demonstrators, clubbing them before loading them onto trucks. In one shot, about six young men are squatting on the street, hands on their heads, cringing. One wearing a red shirt — the color adopted by the protest movement — is singled out for particular abuse. ........ a man lying on the ground, his shirt bloodied, while another man looked around frantically as he tried to tend to him. ....... police swept through several dozen homes in the middle of the night, dragging away several men for questioning. ...... pro-democracy demonstrations, which troops brutally crushed last week with live gunfire, tear gas and baton charges. .......... some 6,000 people have been arrested, including thousands of Buddhist monks who led the demonstrations. ..... Villarosa said her staff had gone to up to 15 monasteries in recent days and found them completely empty. Others were barricaded by the military and declared off-limits to outsiders. ...... "There is a significantly reduced number of monks on the streets. Where are the monks? What has happened to them?" ......... In Brussels, European Union nations agreed to expand sanctions against the military regime. Diplomats said extra sanctions would include an expanded visa ban for members of the military junta, a wider ban on investment and a ban on trade in metals, timber and gemstones.
Myanmar Junta Lashes Out At World CBS News, NY
Than Shwe: Myanmar junta's "old fox" Reuters he can be friendly and engaging, but behind the smile of "the old man" at the top of Myanmar's junta lies the heart of a cold, calculating military tactician. ........ smart, cunning and uncompromising. ........ an old fox and a psychological warfare guy, I don't believe he will personally cave in. I don't see him as a compromiser. ........ they don't like intrusiveness. They don't like you asking about things that they consider to be their internal affairs." ....... worked as a postal clerk before joining the army at the age of 20. ....... becoming commander of the 88th Light Infantry Division in 1980. ....... a springboard to becoming chairman of the regional committee of the Burma Socialist Program Party (BSPP) -- the core of Ne Win's single-party system ......... a series of internal purges -- or "retirement on grounds of ill health", as the generals prefer to call it -- he emerged as unchallenged military supremo in 1992, with the official title "Senior General". ........ Some of his first public words as leader suggested the army would "not hold onto power for long", igniting hopes of a serious bid to reinstall civilian rule and repair the damage done to the once-promising economy by years of Ne Win's disastrous "Burmese Road to Socialism". ........ Than Shwe's personal dislike for Suu Kyi is said to be so intense he walked out of a meeting with a foreign ambassador simply because the envoy uttered her name. ........ and the junta's sudden retreat to Naypyidaw, a new capital hewn out of the jungle, Than Shwe's isolation became absolute.
Myanmar junta sets conditions for Suu Kyi talks Reuters if she abandoned her "obstructive measures" and support for sanctions ..... was also "confrontational" and for "utter devastation" ........ that if she "announces publicly she has given up these four things, he would told direct talks" with her ...... detainees were being divided into four categories: passers-by, those who watched, those who clapped and those who joined in. .......... those found guilty of applauding the protesters, who filled five city blocks, would get minimum jail terms. That would be two to five years, he said. Protest leaders could expect up to 20 years behind bars
More arrests in Burma as regime tightens grip on power Guardian Unlimited, UK a second round of night-time raids targeting monks and pro-democracy protesters in Rangoon that netted scores of dissidents. .......... The city appeared increasingly normal on the surface during daylight, but fear of seizure during the overnight curfew terrorised people ........ Tokyo said it was considering cutting its £13m annual foreign aid to Burma. ....... The Burmese government's mouthpiece newspaper, the New Light of Myanmar, dismissed critics in the international community as "liars attempting to destroy the nation". ...... the dictatorship's anger that foreign embassies kept information on the crackdown flowing after internet links in Burma were severed. ........ the brutality was not interrupted in the last days. On the contrary, it has been intensified. ... "It's all designed to keep the people afraid and intimidated. That's how the regime kept power all these years and it's what they are trying to do now."
Freed detainees tell of abuse in Myanmar International Herald Tribune, France
Myanmar opposition dismisses junta offer to talk Reuters India, India it's very clear that the military is not making any concessions." ...... People who applauded protest marches from the sidewalk could face two to five years in jail ....... about 50 students who demonstrated in Mandalay had been sentenced to five years hard labour. .......... with China, the closest thing the junta has to an ally, blocking action at the United Nations, and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) -- one of the few international groupings of which Myanmar is a member -- unwilling to change its policy, experts say little is likely to happen. .......... ASEAN would continue its policy of engagement with Myanmar, one which has shown no more signs of influencing the generals than Western sanctions .... "Sanctions against a regime that is ready to isolate itself are more likely to be counter-productive than effective." .... Singapore is a leading investor in Myanmar ...... The junta says all is back to normal
Myanmar Hunts for 4 Activist Monks The Associated Press was hunting for four more clerics it described as ringleaders of the uprising. ........ Twenty-nine monks were suspected of being protest leaders and 25 of them were already in custody ........ U Kantiya, U Visaitta, U Awbatha and U Parthaka ........ soldiers shooting into crowds of unarmed protesters ........ The state media said troops searched where alleged rogue monks were living. ....... 18 monasteriesHundreds of monks were sent back to their hometowns this week from monasteries in Yangon. It was not known who ordered them out of the city — the abbots or the government. ......... Security forces also claimed to have seized nonreligious material from the monasteries, including pornographic videos, literature from Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party, and headbands with a swastika or a U.S. flag. ........ more than 250 protests have taken place in Myanmar since Aug. 19.
Myanmar Should Reveal Protest Death Toll, UN Says (Update5) Bloomberg
India urges Myanmar to release Suu Kyi AFP the first time since the early 1990s that India has publicly sought the release of the 62-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner, who has been under house arrest in Yangon for more than a decade. ......... Since India began engaging the Myanmar generals, both sides have cooperated in flushing out northeastern rebels along the joint border. ...... A group of US senators on Wednesday demanded intense US pressure on China and India to force them to sever ties with Myanmar's junta. ....... "a lot of people are dismayed that India has taken the realpolitik line for a decade... that we have not been able to balance democratic values and security interests."
TheStar.com | News | Military admit detaining 1400 Toronto Star, Canada
Sands shifting under Burma's brutal regime ABC Online, Australia Each night Australians sit in their lounge rooms and witness dreadful violence on the streets of Burma. ........ While crises like the one we have seen unfold in the past month highlight the limits of international action, they oblige us to innovate, to push, and to support the people who need it. ........ the day after 1,000 monks connected with 'the lady' outside her house on 22 September, protests exploded overnight from 20,000 to 100,000 in Rangoon alone. The regime's crackdown commenced the next day. .......... the work of border-based dissidents living in Thailand and India who have tirelessly contributed to rebuilding grassroots organisation and political mobilisation inside Burma since the last horrific bloodshed in 1988. ....... it is Burma's border-based alternative media organisations that are responsible for capturing the images and news from the streets, transmitting them to global media agencies ........ the brave underground journalism of the Burmese ....... the Australian Government must also stop allowing Burmese military officials to attend military, counter-terrorism and intelligence training programs it hosts and funds in the region. ....... Given its position of authority in the Asia Pacific region the Australian Government can support Burma's exiled democracy movement far more vocally than they have.
US to press Myanmar's junta in rare talks AFP
Nepal Coalition’s Dispute With Former Rebels Stalls Elections
Giuliani Blames Spending for '06 Losses
News Analysis A Battle Foreshadowing a Larger Health Care War
Iowans Say 'Hi, Obama' Washington Post in Independence, Iowa, when Geri Punteney, a 50-year-old Independence native sitting near the front of the crowd, got up to ask a question. ........ It was obvious from the start that she was upset and nervous. She addressed the senator with "Hi, Obama." She then gave her name and said, "I have a brother who's dying of cancer." She got no further and broke into sobs, and apologies for her sobs, and couldn't continue. Obama stepped forward, somewhat cautiously, and took her hand in his and offered some soothing words. She picked back up, saying that her brother was continuing to work full-time even though he has Stage 3 cancer, because otherwise he'd be without insurance. She herself had recently stopped working to care for her elderly mother and so was without insurance, which meant she couldn't get the dental surgery she needs. ............ not a practitioner of the "I feel your pain" school of politics ..... Punteney said after the event that she appreciated Obama's response even at its lower volume. "You don't have to get outraged," she said. "He seems more down to earth, more mellow. He made eye contact, which means a lot to me." ....... Punteney elaborated some more on her family's situation. Her brother Ted, 48, does deliveries for Home Depot and other stores. His cancer was first discovered in his lymph nodes about a year and a half ago but he still puts in 50-hour weeks. "He gets real sick. He gets weak. He gets pain so bad he passes out sometimes," she said. He has a three-year-old daughter. Punteney was working as a porter at a nearby casino before quitting to care for her mother after her father's death: "She's not taking care of herself and falls a lot." Having lost her coverage, she is unable to attend to her dental needs and the incipient glaucoma in her eyes. Her only child, a 26-year-old daughter, is going through a nasty divorce. ........ Punteney said she came to the Obama event because she saw his field office in the nearby small town of Oelwein and walked in out of curiosity. She was leaning toward Edwards before, she said, but now she's for Obama.
Obama woos Iowa but Clinton surges
General in new Obama ad
Muttering at Hillary Clinton's coronation Telegraph.co.uk This has been the week of Hillary the Inevitable. She has broken the political equivalent of the sound barrier by surging past the 50 per cent mark in a national poll. Her fundraising is now outstripping that of Barack Obama, the Young Pretender. Rival political operatives are awestruck by the efficiency of her campaign. ...... But are the Democrats already experiencing buyer's remorse? ........ "Maybe it's the dynasty thing. Maybe it's the control factor. Maybe it's just that she doesn't feel like change to me." ....... The American commentariat has simultaneously crowned the former First Lady and begun pelting her with rotten fruit. ....... "Without nepotism, Hillary would be running for the president of Vassar [an elite college founded for women]," sniffed Maureen Dowd. .......... so paralysed by caution and ambition .... Mrs Clinton's answers to every question, Rich wrote, were "a rambling and often tedious Gore-like filibuster" and she seems "especially evasive when dealing with questions requiring human reflection". Her laugh had "all the spontaneity of an alarm clock buzzer". ........ She has hammered him so hard on his limited track record and has got him into such tangles on foreign policy issues that this week he was reduced to labelling his visit to Iowa an "Experience and Judgment Tour". She has made his colour an issue – that he's green, rather than black. ......... the campaign still has months to run and elections have a nasty habit of upsetting both conventional wisdom and the best-laid plans.
Clinton Bubble? There Is No Clinton Bubble
Clinton’s Ground Zero Ad
India disappointed over postponement of Nepal polls Hindu
Man lynched for cow thefts in Bihar Times of India
Sprint Hunts For New CEO, And WiMax Gets Some Of The Blame InformationWeek
Dell's North Carolina plant praised, criticized 2 years later Houston Chronicle Two economic studies projected up to 6,500 indirect jobs at restaurants, hotels, stores, construction companies and service providers — a selling point for state legislators who approved the large majority of incentives in November 2004.
Should Pregnant Women Eat More Seafood? New York Times advising pregnant women and nursing mothers to eat more fish so as to ensure optimal brain development in their babies. ..... pregnant women and nursing mothers should eat at least 12 ounces of fish per week. ........ omega-3 fatty acids, found mostly in fish, are essential to brain development in fetuses and newborns. ....... women who had eaten more than 12 ounces of fish per week during pregnancy produced better developed, more intelligent children. ....... the health benefits are likely greatest from such oily fish as salmon, herring and sardines — which are all generally low in mercury anyway.
Halo Games Maker to Be Independent of Microsoft New York Times one of the most successful and sought-after teams of game developers. ....... developers at Bungie yearned to work for themselves, not a corporate owner. ....... an emotionally creative point of view ....... since Halo 3 hit the market last week, it had rung up more than $300 million in sales
Britney Spears gets one last chance from irate judge New York Daily News
Searching Beyond Google Time as of last week, a total of 1,592 different search engines were visited by U.S. Internet users. ...... The most prolific class of secondary search engines are those that focus on a very narrow purpose — engines that aid our search for the best prices for retail items and travel services. ...... chacha.com ..... mahalo.com ..... attempting to insert human editors back into the search experience ..... Powerset and Wikia are attempting to create a whole new paradigm for search through better understanding of syntax and community involvement ..... "Google? Who is going to use a search engine named Google?"
The Latin Hillary Clinton Argentina's First Lady, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, has launched her campaign to become the country's first elected woman president. ...... Argentina's glamorous and vivacious First Lady and is all but certain to be its next President ...... married her law-school sweetheart and helped him become the Governor of a small southern province and then President ......... I was a senator before my husband became President." ........ Fernàndez adds that Washington needs to recognize that leaders like Chàvez, Lula and Morales are products of genuine democracy ...... the presidential palace, the Casa Rosada (Pink House) .... Fernàndez thinks a Hillary presidency, alongside that of Michelle Bachelet, who was elected President of Chile last year, and her own likely win, would change the nature of hemispheric affairs. "Women bring a different face to politics" ...... "We see the big geopolitical picture but also the smaller, daily details of citizens' lives. We're wrapped up as much in what our daughter's school principal says as we are in what the newspapers are saying."
Still Looking For Mr. Right Council for National Policy (CNP) .... some of the most influential economic and social conservatives in the country, meets three times a year to plot the vast right-wing conspiracy's next moves ...... Perot helped give America the Clintons, and Nader delivered the White House to Bush. ...... Take abortion off the table .. and "what you do is give the Democrats a license to go hunting for Evangelical votes on other things they care about--on climate change, economic justice, racial reconciliation." ....... famously ejected Yasser Arafat from Lincoln Center ..... "even if he told me he was pro-life, he also told three wives he'd love, honor and cherish them till death do us part."
Fatherhood 2.0 Does being more of a father make you less of a man? ....... a quiet revolution is occurring in fatherhood ...... The number of stay-at-home fathers has tripled in the past 10 years. ....... Men hug their kids more, help with homework more, tell kids they love them more. ....... "Fathers are beginning to look more like mothers." ..... "Masculinity has traditionally been associated with work and work-related success, with competition, power, prestige, dominance over women, restrictive emotionality--that's a big one ...... a good parent needs to be expressive, patient, emotional, not money oriented. ....... fathers who stop being men of the old mold have better-adjusted children, better marriages and better work lives--better physical and mental health, even. ..... "masculinity is bad for you." ...... the median income for a man in his 30s in 2004 was 12% lower than it was in 1974, once adjusted for inflation ....... "The dads tell stories about mothers on the playground looking at them like they're child molesters or losers." ...... men experience hormonal shifts during their female partner's pregnancy. A man's testosterone level drops after settling down to marriage and family, perhaps in preparation for parenthood, as the male hormone is thought to be incompatible with nurturing behavior. ........ increased rates of juvenile delinquency, drug abuse and other problems among children raised without a male parent present. ........ when men contribute to domestic labor (which is part and parcel of parenting), women interpret it as a sign of caring, experience less stress and are more likely to find themselves in the mood for sex. ........ increasingly, parents rank their relationships with their kids as more important than their relationship with their spouse ....... they rank their job dead last
Ron Paul for President 2.0? 2.0 candidate ..... recruiting supporters through new social media channels. ..... Strippers for Ron Paul .... your next president may be no further than a friend-add on Facebook. ...... Ron Paul, who has over 61,000 friends on MySpace .... MySpace, Facebook and YouTube, the candidate with the most visits from those sites is Ron Paul, followed by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Ukraine's Pro-West Bloc Wins Majority
Romney Is His Own Biggest Donor
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Hungry Planet: What the World Eats, Part III
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