Tuesday, April 29
7:00 pm
(doors open at 6:00pm)
DL21C's Political Author Series continues with
Arianna Huffington
Editor-in-Chief, the Huffington Post
discussing her new book
Right Is Wrong: How the Lunatic Fringe Hijacked America, Shredded the Constitution, and Made Us All Less Safe
723 Washington Street
A/C/E to 14th Street, 1 to Christopher Street/Sheridan Square
Free for members; $7/non-members
Books available for purchase and signing on-site
More information about Right is Wrong
Please RSVP!
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington PostArianna Huffington - Politics on The Huffington Post
Arianna Huffington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Questions for Arianna Huffington - TIME
Arianna Huffington - TIME
ARIANNA ONLINE - About Arianna
Arianna Huffington
Columnist: Arianna Huffington | AlterNet
Reuters/Second Life » Interview with Arianna Huffington in Davos

In The News
Setback for China's expanding railway
Obama strays from the Rudd manual Sydney Morning Herald
Clinton donors open their chequebooks for Obama
Clinton gets bump in polls
Clinton’s New Debate Proposal: On the Back of a Flatbed Truck
Party Leaders Concerned Voters Will Not Unify After Nominee is Chosen ABC News
Mars, Buffett to buy Wrigley for $23 billion MarketWatch
Austria Says Man Locked Up Daughter New York Times 73-year-old man .... kept his daughter locked in a cellar for 24 years and fathered seven children with her, three of whom never emerged into daylight ...... Josef Fritzl, an electrical engineer ....... this quiet Austrian town. ...... provide for the children in his basement. ...... a nondescript, three-story apartment house in Amstetten, a town 80 miles west of Vienna ...... Elisabeth, 42, told the police that in 1984, her father drugged, handcuffed and dragged her into a basement, accessible only through a hidden door with an electronic code. She said she spent close to the next quarter-century imprisoned there, a constant victim of sexual abuse and incest by her father. ........ Her father ordered her to give up three of the children, who were then adopted or cared for as foster children by Josef and his wife, Rosemarie, the mother of Elisabeth. ....... Rosemarie apparently did not know of her daughter’s ordeal ...... When Elisabeth disappeared in 1984, her father claimed that she had written a letter asking her parents not to search for her. ....... Three of the children born in the basement — now 19, 18 and 5 — never left it ....... sexually abused by her father from the age of 11. ....... he built a dwelling capable of sustaining a family. ....... one room to sleep in, one to cook, and there are also sanitation facilities ...... “I can see the house from my balcony and from my window, and when I think now of who was in there, I can simply not imagine that.”
William Kristol: Hillary Gets No Respect Obama will most likely be the nominee. His team has run the better campaign. ..... realized how important the caucus states could be: Obama’s delegate lead depends on his caucus victories. ...... “I get pretty fed up with people questioning my patriotism.”
1000 people evacuated near Sierra Madre wildfire
Obama confronts race question in presidential vote AFP as Democrats mulled whether racial bias makes Hillary Clinton the better Democratic candidate. ....... the American people, what they're looking for is somebody who can solve their problems ...... The reality is that Barack Obama has been in political office longer than Hillary Clinton. He's been in political office longer than George Bush had been
Barack Obama rejects Hillary Clinton debate Telegraph.co.uk
Obama discounts race as a factor in presidential election The Associated Press
Obama, McCain Spar on Iraq as DNC Takes Aim at McCain
Tired Barack Obama resorts to aggression Telegraph.co.uk If he fails to wrest Indiana from Mrs Clinton, who is slightly ahead in the polls, his campaign fears that the remaining uncommitted super-delegates will lose faith in his ability to win and back his rival instead. ....... As he courted senior citizens on Friday he tried a little bonding. "Seniors, listen up. I'm getting grey hair myself. Running for president will age you quick." ......... The Democratic battle increasingly resembles a civil war ...... the candidate, who is clearly tired and lacks the electric energy of two months back. ....... the senator will do more to stress his humble roots as the scholarship schoolboy son of a single mother. ....... his campaign is carefully nailing down the pledges of super-delegates, to wheel out after the final primary on June 3. ...... he has seen a list of 50 names ready to declare for Mr Obama within days of the last vote, but that his campaign expects to have up to 150, enough to clinch the nomination.
Clinton’s battering of Obama is brutal, bloody – and fair Times Online the most intriguing presidential campaign of modern times. ...... Her campaign has been a chaos of sacked managers, unpaid bills, gaffes and indiscretions, but she cries: “The American people deserve a president who doesn’t quit,” and that is that. ........ There is a touch of Margaret Thatcher to Clinton at present. ....... America, she implies, is ready for a woman president but not a black one. ...... He is new and exciting, and would make McCain appear tired and old. ....... Obama not only writes good books (by himself) ...... His team is calm, efficient and, in comparison with Clinton’s, loyal. ........ Merely by being elected, Obama would resolve the anguish that seems to afflict modern America, both abroad and at home. Surely black America’s time has come in this man. .......... her jibe: “He is not a Muslim . . . as far as I know,” and the advertisement implying that Americans would not want a black hand reaching out to the 3am crisis phone call. ......... at this juncture she seems physically and emotionally tougher than him. ......... The attention paid by candidates to the smallest communities in states across the nation is phenomenal. Compared with the synthesised, centralised elections of Europe’s political clubs, it is politics raw and intimate and real. ......... The next president must end a war and rescue a nation’s finances.
Obama pastor: I had death threats guardian.co.uk He has two more interviews scheduled this week, including an address to the National Press Club in Washington DC. That will add fuel to a fire of negative attacks on the campaign trail. ....... After months of attacks Clinton's team believe they have finally succeeded in raising enough questions about Obama to weaken him. A win in Indiana, they believe, will ensure Clinton can carry that fight all the way to the Denver party convention in August where she will try to rally superdelegates to her side. ...... the most recent surveys show Obama opening a slight lead.
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