from Paramendra BhagatJuly 21 ckatz-at-nydailynews.com,
tojeffkurzon -at-gmail.com, -at-
bronxnyc4obama.com, -at-
rashad.drakefordhotmail.com, -at-
statenislandforobamagmail.com, -at-
chelseanyc4obama.com, -at-
westsidenyc4obama.com, -at-
eastvillagenyc4obama.com, -at-
harlemnyc4obama.com, -at-
uwsnyc4obama.com, -at-
washheightsnyc4obama.com, -at-
lgbtnyc4obama.com, -at-
faithnyc4obama.com, -at-
hispanicsnyc4obama.com, -at-
btheopoldgmail.com, -at-
jenniferuesobama.com, -at-
booforeverearthlink.net, -at-
bedstuybrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
bococabrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
crownheightsbrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
tamarabrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
laurenbrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
burgpointbrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
kensington-ditmasbrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
midwoodbrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
prospectheightsbrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
jackibrooklynforbarack.org, -at-
Brooklyn For Barack,
Audacity of Park Slope,
Laura Teachworth,
Cheryl Steed,
Terrence Yang,
Andrew Dixon,
Kenya Washington,
Carolyn Schultz
date Jul 21, 2007 2:24 AM
subject Invade The DL21C's Annual Summer Bash! July 31
Event Name: Invade The DL21C's Annual Summer Bash!
Time: Tuesday, July 31 at 8:00 PM - 6 hours
Location: Iguana Lounge & Nightclub (New York, NY)
240 W. 54th St (at Broadway)
New York, NY 10019
Directions: 1 train to 50th St., B/D/E trains to 7th Ave
8:00 pm until the break of dawn
DL21C is a premier progressive organization in the city, it is so
mainstream its founder is now state Dem party chair. And it is their
event. But it is open, and I expect many top progressives in the city
to show up, including many Hillary supporters. I suggest we also show
up in force and work the room. Do not bring along any literature, or
buttons to pass around. You can only engage people in conversation,
and be very respectful when doing so. I suggest about 30 of us show up
and work the room. "Hi, how do you like Barack Obama? Why? Why not? Do
you like Hillary? Would you like to see her as Obama's running mate?"
Please RSVP at the DL21C site. http://dl21c.org
Mr. President is my nickname for Charles. This guy has been an activist for decades. He once tried to impress me with the very many details he knew about Indira Gandhi's tenure in India, especially "the emergency." I don't know as many details. I met Charles during my DFNYC phase in the city, when I was new, and they were failing to get me excited about the local races. My specialty is presidential politics, I told myself. I am a foreigner. If you are a foreigner, you start at the presidential level. That is the entry point. This was 2005. This was not even 2006 yet. And Charles was one guy who was one step ahead of me. He would do this survey thing that he does at every event I have seen him at, which is many many. He will give this sheet of paper to everyone in the room. You basically tally your favorite Democrats for president.
Last night Charles told me Barack won. This is huge. The DL21C Annual Summer Bash is the place to show up at if you are a young progressive in the city. The event also draws many top dog politicos. Terry McAuliffe himself was there. A long list of names was read out. Chris Owens was there. My man Bill Perkins was there. Bill and I sat next to each other at the Manhattan for Obama Organizational KickOff Meeting. I heard Hakeem Jeffries' name. I looked for him. Perhaps he left early: I could not find him. Scott Stringer was there. And many others. One City Council person, staffers. One guy with a local TV station. He promised me he will put me on TV.
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