Did Sexism Derail Hillary Clinton?Yes, there is sexism. Yes, there is gender bias. Yes, it is in the media, yes, it is among the electorate. That is why Hillary is the first serious woman candidate for the most powerful office in the world. Sexism and gender bias was what was holding women back till now, and still holds women back in all walks of life, including family life and relationships.Wall Street Journal Blogs the New York senator has become increasingly vocal about what she views as one of the reasons why: sexism. ........ how many of Clinton’s women supporters feel that she has been the target of sexism throughout the campaign–particularly in the media. ....... some of the attitudes in the press ....... organizing a series of “End Gender Bias in the Media” rallies today in places like Burbank, Calif., as well as in Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan. ...... “The manifestation of some of the sexism that has gone on in this campaign is somehow more respectable, or at least more accepted, and . . . there should be equal rejection of the sexism and the racism when it raises its ugly head,” she told the paper. “It does seem as though the press at least is not as bothered by the incredible vitriol that has been engendered by the comments by people who are nothing but misogynists.”
Clinton Puts Up A New Fight Washington Post they tearfully grab her hand to implore her to stick it out, to take her trailing campaign all the way to the Democratic convention in Denver. ..... Clinton for the first time addressed what women have been talking about for months, what she refers to as the "sexist" treatment she has endured at the hands of the pundits, media and others. The lewd T-shirts. The man who shouted "Iron my shirt" at a campaign event. The references to her cleavage and her cackle. ....... "The manifestation of some of the sexism that has gone on in this campaign is somehow more respectable, or at least more accepted, and . . . ........ while there are plenty of men in the stands, it's the women who are most passionate. .......... as her Democratic opponent refers to her politely in the past tense, and the likely Republican presidential nominee simply ignores her, and the pundits snicker that she's delusional and should just step aside already, she is a woman definitely not preparing her remarks for a graceful exit anytime soon. And that's what her supporters want to hear. ....... "I do not want her to quit." ...... She's tenacious and I like that," said Pat ...... she's been treated pretty shabby ...... "Hillary: She is going to take care of women all over the world," Alam ...... She offered a new spin on the arithmetic, pointing out that the states she won would total 300 electoral votes in a general election. ........ you might think she was just warming up for a fight. ........ the "intensity of my support" was rarely reported ...... has looked rested and relaxed. ....... She let out a throaty laugh when asked in Sunday's interview if she could be put "on the couch" for a few minutes to talk about how she has grown through the campaign......... ....... she has become a far better candidate over the course of the campaign, and in particular over the past six weeks as she has become more comfortable and confident about her message. ........ No one is quite sure when Clinton hit her stride, when she stopped caring about the polls, when she took her campaign to the people and gave voters a window into her soul. .......... when she was losing and so had nothing to lose by being herself. ....... For Hillary Clinton, as you stripped away all the varnish, the core person is the most attractive of all.
I am glad Hillary is finally talking about it. I hope she talks some more about it on Obama's ticket. There are too many women who vote Republican because they don't know any better. They are not politically conscious enough to cross over. But if Hillary talks gender like she has started to, many will cross over.
Like some idiot pointed out recently - I think it was Rush Limbaugh - that if Hillary were to get into the White House, we will all have to watch her age. (Rush Limbaugh: Idiot) Women are supposed to get off stage when they age. That is really curious because Hillary is way more pretty than John McCain.
Sexist jokes are not funny. Sexist attitudes are objectively so. Lewd shirts, the Iron My Shirt shout, references to her cleavage and cackle, asking if she could be put on the couch for a few minutes for a question: those are all sexism talking. And it's time to say no. If Hillary can be put through all this indignity, with her money, power, fame, famous husband, smarts, strength, you just have to wonder what women get put through at their workplaces by their male superiors and numerous male colleagues. Hillary has to fight off these little indignities on behalf of the women in the trenches. (Global Trafficking Of Women, Hillary's Beijing Speech)
To fight sexism is to build a progressive coalition of men and women. This is not a men versus women fight. The sexist comments that bother Hillary also bother me, and I happen to be male. Progressive men do want progress on gender.
Elizabeth Caputo: Trying To Make Sense
Tracey Denton, Al Benninghoff
Hillary Is All The Rage
We Can Put Hillary On The Ticket, But What Are We Going To Do With Bill Clinton?
Race, Class, Gender, Globalization And 2008
Gender Talk: Coming At It From The Future
Sexism Bothers Me Directly
But, Hillary, Quit
Hillary For VP: Going To A Hillary Event
Women's Unity Day: Event
Looking For 10 Ninja Women
Martha Outed Kenton And Women With Issues
Hillary Cried, Women Responded, She Won
Muscular Gender Agenda
In The News
Voting today expected to deliver more delegate ammo for Obama Los Angeles Times
Obama hopes to pass key marker
Obama Leads OR, Clinton Strong in KY FOXNews
Bill Clinton Blames “Slanted Press Coverage” for Obama's Delegate Lead
Some Democrats Want Obama-Clinton ‘Dream Ticket’ Voice of America
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