Obama 2012 Is On
My political enemies deprived me of my well deserved victory parties in June 2008 and November 2008, and Inauguration 2009 pretty much passed me by. What I am really angry about is they deprived me of the Iran action of 2009. That street action was custom made for me.
2009 and 2010 were years I should have been by Barack's side, virtually speaking, but I was not. I was too engrossed picking up the pieces from the hit I took in 2008. I'd have liked to stay involved. For me it is about power. It is not about elections. There is joy in governing.
You could argue Barack's first two years belonged to Bush. And so I should not complain too much. He spent two full years cleaning up the house.
His re-election is pretty much reassured. It is going to happen. No sweat. But I am not taking any chances. I am going to act like this is 2007.
He does not really need me for the re-election, although I will be there. It is going to be fun. This time I'd like to be there for the

But what I'm really interested in is his quest for greatness. You get two years to clean up house, and you get six years to achieve greatness. I'd like to be there for him, virtually speaking.
He already did the FDR thing. He wrestled the Great Recession. 2011 is a godsend to him. When April 2006 finally happened in Nepal, it was bigger and better than anything I had imagined during the months before. 2011 is bigger and better than anything I have imagined in the years before.
A Rwanda Was Prevented
To Zimbabwe Through Ivory Coast
The best kind of greatness comes from liberating people. Libya is Barack Obama's civil war. It took a civil war to catapult Abraham Lincoln to greatness. Barack Obama can help turn 2011 into the biggest year for democracy in world history. He does that and he is competing with old man Abe himself.
Then he gets to focus on tackling America's deficit and debt. Minus that China gets to become the number one economy in the world in 2016, there is speculation. The only way America can compete with China is by doing total campaign finance reform. American democracy as it stands has all sorts of misguided incentive points.
The US Military Budget Needs To Come Down To 100 Billion From 600
Drugs And Guns
Obama On The Deficit
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