Abraham Lincoln Had No Experience Hillary's New Hampshire Firewall: She Plans On Losing Iowa Iowa, South Carolina, And One Other 50 Days For Iowa Helicopter + Walmart + Iowa I Stand With Michelle: Iowa Must And Can Be Won Iowa Debate Iowa Debate: Obama Clear Winner Iowa Humanizes The Candidate BarackTV: Iowa To New Hampshire An Iowa victory means Barack shows up on the front page of every newspaper in America. And the world. You know what that means? Barack did not have a bigger introduction to America and the world in 2004, for all its glamor.
To win Iowa is to introduce Barack. This is about introducing Barack.
The average voter is a different organism from the political junkie. It is hard for the political junkie to imagine there are people out there who don't know. Well, I got news. That's most people out there. For all his good looks, Barack remains largely unknown.
That changes with an Iowa victory. Barack hits the front page.
I am all for winning Iowa. And the wind is blowing in our direction.
Let's go change the world, like Barack likes to say. Let's go introduce Barack to the world.
Apollo I went to the after party at Lenox Lounge last night.
I was so glad to hear of the event when I first heard of it, which was early. But I stayed away. I wanted this to be a Harlem thing. In some ways Harlem is the heart of the city. I want Barack to score 70% or more in Harlem on February 5.
Then closer to the date I went online, and the event was predictably sold out. So I had a good excuse. Don't blame me for not showing up, the event was sold out.
A few hours before the event I had an email from
Leah . Come to the after party even if you don't come to the event. So I went and I am so glad I did.
I have not felt this comfortable in a bar in a long time. This was an old bar with a lot of history to it. And I like Harlem. This is not your American Gangster Harlem. This is a healthy, happy, bustling Harlem. Harlem has character. There is a ton of history.
On November 7: In Harlem: For Obama The party started later than advertized. People started streaming in. We had the entire back room to us. Met a lot of the Obama crowd. The early believers. The core people. I learned Tamara had been on stage. That was so good to hear. And of course Bill Perkins. Tamara told me Carlos was in Iowa. That guy. (Barack In Brooklyn ) Then Ben told me Jeff Kurzon is making the rounds of the city in Barack Obama's motorcade after the event. That guy. I am jealous. After meeting Barack's sister Maya recently I emailed Kurzo up in New Hampshire. (Maya Soetoro-Ng ) He checked out Maya's profile on MyBO. She has seven friends. I am one of them. "I am jealous," he emailed me. Ben and I have talked several times now. He introduced me to Deanna as "Raj ." I am not Raj, although Raj is pretty cool. That guy functions like a mafia boss. You never see him, but you feel his presence. He happens to be a very busy doctor. "The complications of race relations," I said to Ben teasingly. I have always felt very comfortable around Ben. Ben looked away. Then he proceeded to buy beer. Then he said he needed to go talk to someone else. It is okay, dude. Mistaking me for Raj is no offense. It is a compliment actually. (Give Me A Huge Rally In This City Before Summer Is Over ) I sat at a table, with Aisha and Erika and Carlos and Oscar. Then I stood up. Then I walked over to the front room. Then I walked out and went home. It was a few hours to take those four steps. I learned Rudy is the New York state director. So far I had been calling him the guy who runs the downtown office.January 4 to February 5 It will be a sprint. Right now I am charging my batteries. We intend to carry this city for Barack on February 5. So help me god.Four January Victories I smell something. Barack just might give a slam dunk. He just might score four victories in January. I smell something. It is in the air.Bill Clinton Bill Clinton is no Trent Lott on race, but he never made any serious attempt to tackle chronic poverty in the inner cities. Enough of liking a white guy just because he is not racist. A white guy not being racist is not doing you a favor. That was your right all along. These older guys Charlie Rangel and David Dinkins. Forget segregation, they are so old, they probably remember slavery. They are the ones with "experience" as measured in the number of years lived. They are oh so grateful Bill Clinton is a powerful white guy from the South who is not a racist. They can't believe their good fortune. Lo and behold, Bill Clinton is not a racist.In The News Obama brings his message to Harlem The Chicago Tribune Obama invoked Rev. Martin Luther King's "fierce urgency of now" as he made his first visit as a presidential candidate to America's most famous black neighborhood, Harlem, venturing within sight of Bill Clinton's office ..... Most of the local African-American political leadership, led by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Charles Rangel, have lined up behind New York's favorite daughter, Sen. Hillary Clinton. ..... long lines of overwhelmingly black supporters waited outside for a $50-a-seat fundraiser at the Apollo Theater, a cultural institution. ..... "How does it feel to be part of history?" asked scholar Cornel West, bringing the crowd to its feet. ...... "You'd be real embarrassed if he won and we wasn't down," said comedian Chris Rock, introducing Obama. "I had that white lady. What was I thinking? What was I thinking?" ....... I'm tired of hearing about a Justice Department that doesn't understand justice ...... Obama used the visit to pay homage to Rev. Al Sharpton, one of the few prominent local leaders who has not yet chosen whom to back, though he said he will "very shortly." ..... The two dined on corn bread, coconut shrimp and fried chicken wings at Sylvia's, a famous soul food restaurant. ..... Sharpton said, 'Tonight he came to Harlem, and he came with a message that Harlem likes [and] wants someone to discuss at a presidential level, that is hate crimes ." Newsday, NY an urgent and sometimes confrontational speech .... the crowd of 1,500 .... introduced by comedian Chris Rock and historian Cornel West. ..... entertainers like Brown and Holiday "represent a way of life that goes all the way back from the old spirituals on up to Barack Obama running for president. ..... the capital of black America ..... he was a candidate who wouldn't have to explain why he voted to authorize the war in Iraq. ...... The trip to the Apollo sends a signal to Clinton that Obama intends to compete with her on her home turf -- and not just in New York, but in Harlem .... Thursday, Obama seemed to be courting a Harlem endorsement of his own -- that of the Rev. Al Sharpton, who shared chicken and corn bread with Obama at Sylvia's Restaurant before his speech. .... During the meal, Sharpton said he had not yet endorsed anyone, "but a man that likes chicken and corn bread can't be that bad ." Obama, Bloomberg Hold Mystery Meeting cbs4denver.com, CO New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will have coffee Friday morning with Clinton's main opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination: Barack Obama ...... Bloomberg has vowed to keep out of the presidential race, but he can't seem to stay away from it. Obama and Bloomberg will meet on a coffee date, scheduled because of their mutual interest. ..... the Apollo Theater was a packed with a sold-out crowd paying $50 each to see him. ..... the meeting sent a warning to Hillary Clinton that Harlem could be up for grabs...... "I trust him," said Harlem resident Angela Dews. "Hilary is slick. Democrats are taking us for granted." ...... I'm not running because I think this is something owed to me Obama: There's no room in America for 'Jena Six' cases, nooses WAND, IL He said that if he's elected president he could be counted on to enforce civil rights laws. Obama's reference to the Jena Six incident came at a fundraiser at the historic Apollo Theater in Harlem. In the incident, six black teenagers were arrested for beating a white teen after white students allegedly hung nooses at their Jena, Louisiana high school. .... He told the largely black audience that he dreaded the thought of living through another administration that appeared to care little for the concerns of minority citizens. Baby Killer Hillary Fools Black Clergy and Evangelicals Hillary Project, CA particularly South Carolina black pastors are thoroughly convinced that Hillary is their woman for the White House. ...... More than 60 ministers gathered with Clinton on a stage at a hotel and her campaign said 80 were in the room where the endorsements were announced Poll Finds Black Voters Favor Clinton Kansas City infoZine, MO Obama Takes His Campaign to Harlem New York Times the historic seat of black cultural and political power ....... a gospel choir, a jazz combo ..... “I love you, Obama!” a woman shouted from the audience. “I love you back,” he said without missing a beat. ...... “All across America, people are struggling like they haven’t struggled in a long time,” he said. “It’s harder to save; it’s harder to retire.” ...... what is perhaps Harlem’s most famous landmark ..... the Apollo Theater’s board of directors. While Nadja Fidelia, who is also a managing director at Lehman Brothers, has raised at least $50,000 for Mr. Obama ...... Michelle Obama, Mr. Obama’s wife, played host to a women’s event in Harlem in June , and Mr. Obama has traveled to New York City frequently since declaring his candidacy in February, including holding a large rally at Washington Square Park in September . ....... she did not believe Mrs. Clinton would maintain her lead among African-Americans and that eventually “Black America will wake up and get it.” ...... “But what we’re dealing with in the black community is just the natural fear of possibility .” ....... an older generation of African-American politicians, including in New York. Representative Charles B. Rangel and former Mayor David N. Dinkins have endorsed Mrs. ClintonObama Deplores 'Jena Six,' Nooses Seattle Post Intelligencer He said he was tired of seeing young black men "languishing" on city streets ..... "I don't want to wake up in four years and find out we still have more black men in prison than in college ," he said to cheers. ...... Chris Rock, who cracked up the audience with the evening's only direct reference to Hillary Rodham Clinton ...... Cornel West, a longtime black history professor at universities including Harvard and Princeton, also appeared onstage to welcome Obama. He called Obama "an eloquent brother, a good brother, a decent brother," and appeared to address concerns voiced by some black leaders that Obama was a relative newcomer to the civil rights movement. ....... "Barack Obama comes at an incredibly powerful moment in the year 2007, and we don't expect him to be Marcus Garvey ... or Martin Luther King," West said of the two famed civil rights icons. ..... But Sharpton said the visit shouldn't be construed as an endorsement of Obama's candidacy . Tempers still raw after fractious Republican debate Reuters Nepal's major parties meet to break political deadlock Hindu "The parties haven't reached any consensus as of Wednesday evening," senior CPN-UML leader Jhalanath Khanal said, adding the Nepali Congress and the CPN-Maoist haven't yet changed their stances. Rodney King's Been Shot! TMZ.com British Teacher Found Guilty in Sudan New York Times Why Science Can't Save the GOP. TIME the small but intense minority who believe that a clump of a few dozen cells floating in a petri dish has the same human rights as you or I. .... In vitro has become too popular for politicians to take on. But their failure to do so makes a mockery of their alleged agony over embryonic stem cells. Is Facebook Overrated? reaching out to people you know to share ideas, experiences and information ...... Nearly half the people who went online in the U.S. in October--83 million, according to the research firm comScore Media Metrix--visited MySpace or Facebook, making social networking one of the most popular activities on the Web . ........ Like Google, they want to change the way you live and work online. ...... Harvard dropout Mark Zuckerberg, now 23 ..... "It's like a high school dance .. "Everyone shows up and nobody does anything, because there's nothing to do." ..... Facebook has some 7,000 free add-on applications ...... "I see Facebook as becoming more essential than search." ....... the bare-it-all generation growing up on social networks ....... News Corp. bought MySpace for $580 million in 2005, and Google hosts MySpace's ads, guaranteeing at least $900 million in revenue through 2009. ...... Google faced these same worries in 2004 when it launched context-sensitive ads inside its e-mail program Gmail. When the company went public later that year, skeptics voiced similar concerns about the viability of an ad-supported model for its search engine. ..... Facebook has been anointed by its boosters as the next Google Success Depends on Others Failing people care very much about keeping up with the Joneses ..... even as much of the world gets ever richer, people today don't report being happier than people did 50 years ago ...... "The pain of having less is much stronger than the joy of having more." The Death of French Culture 727 new novels ..... Once admired for the dominating excellence of its writers, artists and musicians, France today is a wilting power in the global cultural marketplace. ...... about 30% of all fiction sold in France is translated from English. ..... France's movie industry, the world's largest a century ago, has yet to recapture its New Wave eminence of the 1960s ..... France still churns out about 200 films a year, more than any other country in Europe. But most French films are amiable, low-budget trifles for the domestic market. American films account for nearly half the tickets sold in French cinemas . ..... the U.S. and Germany each have four of the world's 10 most widely exposed artists; France has none. ...... The top French artist on the list, Robert Combas, commanded $7,500 per work . ..... Though the French music industry sold $1.7 billion worth of recordings and downloads last year, few performers are famous outside the country. ....... once condemned Steven Spielberg's 1993 Jurassic Park as a "threat to French identity." ..... As Sarkozy recently observed: "In the United States and France, we think our ideas are destined to illuminate the world." ...... By law, 40% of shows on TV and music on radio must be French. ..... French, now merely the world's 12th most widely spoken language (Chinese is first, English second). ...... "Now you have to go to New York." ...... "If the Culture Ministry is nowhere to be found, cultural life is everywhere." ...... "In America, a writer wants to work hard and be successful" "French writers think they have to be intellectuals." ....... Sarkozy sent a chill through the French intelligentsia last summer by calling for the "democratization" of culture . ..... a strain in the national mind-set that distrusts commercial success ........ more young French aspire to government jobs than to careers in business ..... The country's angry, ambitious minorities are committing culture all over the place. France has become a multiethnic bazaar of art, music and writing from the banlieues and disparate corners of the nonwhite world. African, Asian and Latin American music get more retail space in France than perhaps any other country. Movies from Afghanistan, Argentina, Hungary and other distant lands fill the cinemas. ......... what keeps a nation great if not the infusion of new energy from the margins? ...... France is arguably the world leader in fashion ....... stop fretting about decline and start applauding the ferment on the fringes , France will reclaim its reputation as a cultural power, a land where every new season brings a harvest of genius. Iran's Secret Weapon: The Pope Iran, which has had diplomatic relations with the Holy See for 53 years, may be trying to line up Benedict as an ace in the hole for staving off a potential attack ....... they know an intervention of the Vatican is the most open and amenable route to Western public opinion. ..... Last April's release of 15 British sailors held by Iran — a decision that Ahmadinejad called "an Easter gift" — came just a day after the Pope had sent a private letter asking for their liberation. ....... the current Pope was firmly behind John Paul II's opposition to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq ..... many in Rome cite parallels between the current push from American hardliners to confront Iran and the walkup to the war in Iraq ..... Catholicism and Shi'a Islam have a surprisingly similar structure and approach to their different faiths. "What you have in Iran is a strong academic tradition, with both philosophical and mystical aspects — in many ways like Catholicism" ..... Iranians have long studied other cultures and religions. "They know their Western stuff," he said. "Right now, they're isolated because of sanctions, but they really do want to interact with the world ." And Rome is one place the interaction has already begun. Can Iran and Hamas Sink Annapolis? "The Annapolis conference was already a failure," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told journalists after a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday. The U.S. could sponsor a hundred such meetings, he added, and the result would be the same. In Gaza, which is effectively ruled by the fundamentalist Hamas group, anti-Annapolis protesters filled the streets. ....... two groups to which it supplies political, diplomatic, financial and military support. In 1996, Hamas launched its first major wave of suicide bombings in Israel. At the same time, the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hizballah escalated attacks on Israel. ........... Iran, Hamas and Hizballah have grown even stronger. Iran's strategic position became stronger with the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the toppling of Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq , and its pursuit of a nuclear program that has the potential of being diverted into building an atomic weapon. .......... One way to defeat the spoilers this time is to ignore any violence they sponsor and persevere toward the goal of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli settlement . ........ neither Hamas nor hard-line Israeli parties need be given a veto over progress ...... as the White House launches a major Israeli-Palestinian peace effort that will span Bush's final year in office, it has to ask whether achieving a peace agreement is wishful thinking doomed to further failure in the absence of a broader accord with Iran. China Explains Decision to Block US Ships New York Times Parents Want Jail Time for MySpace Hoax Mom ABC News Megan Meier, the 13-year-old girl who took her own life after being bullied on MySpace ...... Lori Drew, the Meiers' 48-year-old neighbor in suburban St. Louis, admitted in a police report that she created a fictitious MySpace account and pretended to be a boy with a romantic interest in Megan. According to the police report, Drew created the profile to find out what Megan was saying online about her teenage daughter. ...... she knew the last message that left her house that Monday when Megan attempted her life was that, ' The world would be a better place without you ....... compliments turned to insults. ...... "Megan gets an e-mail, or a message from Josh on her MySpace on Oct. 15, 2006, saying, 'I don't know if I want to be friends with you any longer because I hear you're not nice to your friends'" ........ The cyberexchange devastated Megan, who was unable to understand how and why her friendship had unraveled . George W. Bush: Diplomat TIME Laura Bush had gone ahead to the lunch. "I guess you could say she's the taster," Bush said. ..... Being able to look fellow leaders in the eye and call them by their first name, Bush thinks, makes it easier to put tough demands on the table. But foreign diplomats say he lacks subtlety in both approaches, forcing black-and-white decisions on adversaries and focusing on individual leaders instead of their countries' interests . Why Musharraf is Ending the Emergency TIME lifting of emergency rule on December 16 ..... Sharif's party, along with a consortium of some 31 other parties (though not Bhutto's) has decided "in principle" to boycott the elections unless Musharraf reinstates the Supreme Court. Obama Finds His Moment TIME Barack Obama's Iowa headquarters near the State Capitol in downtown Des Moines has the unmistakable décor of an insurgent operation ...... the largely twentysomething crew at Obama Central ..... it appears that Obama is turning this into a race ...... a long line of Democratic insurgents — Gary Hart, Paul Tsongas, Bill Bradley and Howard Dean among them — whose promises of a new kind of politics had briefly enjoyed a vogue, only to be crushed into dust by a front-runner who was using the standard playbook . ..... We've raised more money from small donors than all the other Democratic candidates combined, and from a standing start, we are competing with the dominant political organization in American politics that was built over the course of two decades by a two-term ex-President. That's pretty good. ......... his almost cantankerous disdain for sound bites ...... begging Obama to come down off his mountaintop and take her on ...... "the taste is in my mouth." ..... "Triangulating and poll-driven positions ... just won't do." ....... "I am not convinced this campaign has any sense of how hard the Clintons fight when they feel their birthright is being challenged . I am not sure they are ready for this." ....... Obama has tried jujitsu, challenging Clinton on what she considers to be her greatest strength ..... that experience is not the same thing as judgment — for which Clinton has not yet found a rejoinder. ...... Clinton's formidable lead in New Hampshire has dropped by nearly half , to 14 points ...... she has visited only 39 counties to his 68 ..... The Clinton campaign "clearly thought [it was] on a glide path to the nomination, and that has been disrupted" ....... I don't think there's a candidate who can do poorly in Iowa and end up winning the nomination ....... A candidate who is engaged in the ritualized back-and-forth that characterizes close campaigns ......... Obama has always understood that the old rulebook cannot be completely thrown out in a nomination fight ....... organization trumps almost everything else. ..... 4 in 10 made their decisions in the last week before the caucuses . ....... the process reveals aspects of an individual's character and judgment. Obama's moment Economist He can be languid and long-winded . During debates he often starts with a bang only to end with a whimper. He is too fond of vaporous abstractions. He sometimes looks more like the junior professor he once was than a political heavyweight, and his policies are sometimes half-baked ........ Two months ago it looked impossible. Today, with just a month to go until the Iowa caucuses, he is on a roll . ..... a Zogby poll this week showed her losing to all leading Republicans, but him winning . ...... the Clintons ... One campaign spokesman says that “our definition of success doesn't necessarily mean coming in first.” ....... Obama is recapturing the excitement that made his campaign such a spectacle of cheering crowds and kerchinging coffers. He is also reminding people why they have reservations about Mrs Clinton—not least her habit of wrapping a sense of entitlement in a feminist garment . ....... Obama is beginning to offer something that has eluded him so far— the sense that he just might win ...... Obama, who is by far the most popular Democrat among Republicans , is probably the best placed candidate to turn a good Democratic year into a landslide ..... He may have bested Mrs Clinton with his Treasury one-liner. Clinton, Obama go into slam flunk mode Chicago Sun-Times Vote Winfrey, not Streisand Times Online Bin Laden: Europeans should end US help Al-Qaida has dramatically stepped up its messages — a pace seen as a sign of its increasing technical sophistication and the relative security felt by its leadership . ..... Bin Laden's message was the 89th this year by Al-Qaida's media wing, Al-Sahab, an average of one every three days, double the rate in 2006 Public questions inspire combative Republican debate Los Angeles Times Huckabee's Surge Stirs the Pot in Iowa Wall Street Journal Musharraf Is Sworn in as a Civilian President New York Times Bihar to get IIT, IIM soon Times of India Bihar is set to get an Indian Institute of Technology and an Indian Institute of Management following the persistent efforts of railway minister Lalu Prasad. ..... The engineering institute is likely to be set up in Chapra, Prasad's parliamentary constituency. This is the minister's second gift to Chapra after a rail factory was earlier sanctioned. The management institute is likely to be established at Gaya. ..... At the meeting chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, he demanded an IIT and IIM in the state, at least one polytechnic institute in each district and awarding central university status to Patna University. Sanjay Dutt likely to be freed today Briton Charged With Insulting Islam in Sudan New York Times Pall of Rioting Greets Sarkozy Washington Post Clinton: Obama 'betrays' Democratic values Baltimore Sun he questioned whether she was more interested in scoring political points than in explaining her plans. ..... a deepening contentiousness ..... Obama has maintained that Clinton has failed to show how she would force Americans to get insurance . ...... Obama's campaign labeled Clinton's comments "another desperate attack" ....... it was "fantasy" to believe the U.S. troop surge in Iraq is working since its goal was to lead to a fully functioning unity government in the war-torn country. Biden said there is " no political progress among the major factions" in trying to govern Iraq. ...... the campaign slogan—turn up the heat—that her campaign unveiled earlier this month. Oprah's a Winner. Can She Make Obama One Too? Washington Post Black voters focus on Clinton, Obama Chicago Tribune Race, gender come to forefront of presidential race Atlanta Journal Constitution "Should you vote for Barack Obama because of your race, or should you vote for Hillary Clinton because you are a woman?" ...... an ongoing discussion that, for many black women, stirs visceral emotions as they weigh their racial and gender identity. ....... For some black women, U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) embodies a strong leader who, if elected, could open doors for all women, black and white. They admire her intellect and political acumen. In some ways, they identify with Clinton because they see gender as more of a hindrance than race . ....... For others, U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) represents the ideal candidate. They like his intelligence and willingness to work across racial and party lines. They also identify with his wife, Michelle, an African-American woman from Chicago's South Side. They believe the presence of the Obamas in the White House would help shatter racial and gender stereotypes. ...... the majority of black women in Atlanta will vote for Obama because of their strong identification with race . ..... on an emotional level, Pedescleaux argues, race will trump gender . ...... African-Americans make up 27 percent, or 1.2 million, of Georgia's registered voters. And of black registered voters, 60 percent, or 720,567, are women. ......... Obama is leading his Democratic rivals in Georgia fund-raising. .... Much of Obama's support has come from Atlanta's black middle class. ..... Clinton is too divisive and too much of a Washington insider. ....... "The reason we've never been close to running that truly feasible black candidate is because we've never had one who was interested in governing the entire nation," she wrote, "and not just championing the cause of blacks." ...... She said she believes a woman in the White House will break the proverbial glass ceiling for women in business . Edwards's Site Chides Clinton Wall Street Journal Clinton says she has her own mega-celebrities Chicago Sun-Times Bill Clinton's Claim of Opposing Iraq War From Outset Disputed Washington Post Bill Clinton embarrasses wife over Iraq war Times Online Bill Clinton on hotseat after Iraq war remarks AFP Israel and Palestinians commit to 2008 peace treaty ABC News leaders of the United States, Israel and the Palestinians agreed on Tuesday to launch immediate talks to try to secure a peace deal by the end of 2008 that would create a Palestinian state. ...... 44-nation Middle East peace conference ..... 14 Arab states -- among them Syria and Saudi Arabia -- as well as major powers Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany. ....... Bush hopes to achieve in his final 14 months in office what has eluded U.S. leaders for decades .... Olmert's public standing is low, partly due to last year's Lebanon war, and Abbas lost control of the Gaza Strip to Hamas Islamists in June. ...... the toughest "final status" issues of the conflict -- Jerusalem, borders, security and the fate of Palestinian refugees. ........ neither Olmert nor Abbas gave any sign of giving ground on their main differences when they addressed the conference. ..... a senior official of Hamas declared Annapolis a "waste of time." ....... 270,000 Jews who live in settlements scattered among the 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank .... wants to hold on to major settlement blocs. .... Bush has faced criticism for not doing more sooner , and it was unclear how hard he would push the parties to compromise. Annapolis Conference Launches Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks Voice of America Bush read a joint statement by the principals pledging "vigorous, ongoing and continuing" negotiations for a two-state settlement of the conflict by the end of 2008. ....... gathering of nearly 50 countries and international organizations ...... on equal terms will all other peoples of the world. ..... our holocaust that has been running for too long ...... "The negotiations will address all the issues which we have thus far avoided dealing with," said Prime Minister Olmert. "We do this directly, openly and courageously. We will not avoid any subject. We will deal with all the core issues. I am convinced that the reality that emerged in our region in 1967 will change significantly. This will be an extremely difficult process for many of us, but it is nevertheless inevitable." Obama seeks to bolster foreign policy image Reuters surrounding himself with former top officials and proclaiming a new agenda to restore U.S. moral authority in the world. ...... working closer with developing nations ...... "Iraq is a classic example; Iran now being another example of where we are entirely isolated from these countries, have no idea what is going on, we don't have good intelligence on the ground , and then making a series of decisions, basically in the blind," Obama, who is rising in polls , told the forum. ....... former national security adviser Tony Lake , navy secretary Richard Danzig and assistant secretary of state for African affairs Susan Rice . ..... Obama said the United States must restore its moral authority by ending torture, closing Guantanamo Bay's military prison and doing more for developing nations . ........ In New Hampshire, Obama has narrowed Clinton's lead over the past two months. 3rd Straight Night of Youth Riots In France Voice of America French Riots in Paris Suburbs Spread; Cars, Library Torched Bloomberg Elysée to get tough on rioting youths MSNBC Obama 'The Man for the Moment' Washington Post the Obama camp turned loose a half dozen of the foreign policy experts in his fold to show the world the kind of high-caliber minds that are advising the first-term senator, who joined the panel of experts after nearly two hours of their deep ruminations. ........ the threat of anti-American extremism to nuclear proliferation to global warming -- and concluded that only Obama could save the day. ........ historians are going to look back at the early days of the 21st century and say that's where the U.S. got derailed, that's where we made a wrong turn, that's where the U.S. began to become the next former great power .......... Obama's fresh perspective, candor and ability to bridge gaps both within the country and around the world ........ "It would be transformative overnight ," Lake said of the worldwide effect of an Obama election as president. ....... a wonderful blend of confidence and humility ....... "fresh, pragmatic and unbeholden approach." ........ "character, courage and unconventional wisdom ....... offered long discursive answers ..... (Obama: " My mother was an anthropologist , so the Margaret Mead reference, I'm always hip to.") ....... " Those who say this (the Indonesia years) is his only claim to foreign policy leadership are deliberately distorting what he said as well as his background ," Rice said. "What you get by osmosis living and working in the White House, I don't discount that, but it's not the same thing as being the face of the country's foreign policy or being the person who had to make the tough decisions and deal with crises and work around an inflexible bureaucracy to get things done. That's a lot of silliness." ........ "She's had exposure through Bill, sure," said Moody. "But she's had no more direct experience in making decisions than Obama has." Bill Clinton Says He Opposed Iraq War From the Outset Washington Post apparently glossing over the more nuanced views of the war he has expressed over time ...... Iowa - a largely anti-war state ...... the Democratic nominating process has reached fever pitch ...... "I supported the president when he asked for authority to stand up against weapons of mass destruction in Iraq," Clinton said on May 18, 2003 , during a commencement speech at Tougaloo College in Mississippi. Clinton Promotes Wife's Bid, His Legacy The Associated Press Showing inconsistency on an issue that has dogged his wife, the former president also told Iowa Democrats that he "opposed (war in) Iraq from the beginning." ..... a battle of campaign surrogates — Clinton vs. Winfrey ..... Clinton himself said Winfrey ought to be for Obama because both hail from Chicago . He didn't mention that his wife is also from suburban Chicago. "I like Oprah Winfrey," he said. "We're friends." .......... Speaking for more than an hour , Clinton discussed his wife's agenda and experience in exhaustive terms, sprinkling the remarks with asides about his presidency and his activities on the world stage since he left office in January 2001. ........ He has not clearly opposed the war from the start. ..... "I supported the president when he asked for authority to stand up against weapons of mass destruction in Iraq," he said in May 2003, the same year he was quoted praising Bush's handling of the war . ......... He said his opinion should matter because "I know what it takes to be president" and "because of the life I've lived since I left office." ..... He seemed to suggest that the nation needs a return to 1990s sensibilities . ........ "The reason I want you to sign one of these cards is because I know her," he said. "I hope you make her the next president because she would be a great president and you would never, ever regret it." Can Oprah's Blessing Boost Obama? The Associated Press Obama got Winfrey, Clinton got Streisand Baltimore Sun Abbas Addresses the Annapolis Conference Washington Post Israel, Palestinians commit to peace timetable Los Angeles Times Barbra Streisand Throws Support to Hillary Clinton FOX News Obama got Winfrey, Clinton got Streisand Baltimore Sun Maoists give May ultimatum to Nepal government Hindustan Times April 29, 2007 they would call an indefinite closure if the country was not declared a republic by May. ...... if the interim parliament failed to abolish monarchy by the first week of the Nepali month of Jeth - May 21 - his party would start a new, unarmed movement on the streets, including continuous strikes. .......... Maoists will also step up efforts to forge unity with other pro-republic and communist parties to wrest a victory in parliament. ...... Besides the infighting in the ruling alliance, the Terai plains in southern Nepal have been rocked by continued violence since January, resulting in the death of over 70 people so far. ..... Various ethnic groups, some of whom are armed, are carrying out different protest programmes in the plains, demanding autonomous states for different communities. Clinton, Obama exchanges get nasty CNN Clinton's lead has dropped in recent polls from New Hampshire and Iowa ........ with her lead slipping, things have changed, and the New York senator has found herself in a full out verbal war with Sen. Barack Obama. ....... "In politics, you can afford to ignore your opponents until you start to feel them breathing down your neck" ....... Clinton last week saw a 23-point lead over Obama in September fall to 14 points ........ New Hampshire presidential primary poll. ..... as the race gets tighter, it's also getting nastier. ....... exchanging jabs over health care, fundraising and foreign relations experience -- and the punches are getting personal. ....... I don't think that [former Secretary of State] Madeleine Albright would think that Hillary Clinton was the face of foreign policy during the Clinton administration ........ Clinton's reluctance to release financial, fundraising and White House records in full. ....... "The latest personal attack from Hillary Clinton is a completely false attempt to misrepresent Barack Obama's full disclosure of his campaign finances " ........ Clinton also pointed fingers at Obama's health care plan, calling it "confusing," a day after the Illinois senator said his proposal would keep costs down more than any of his rivals' plans. ..... "She's not being straight with the American people because she refuses to tell us how much she would fine people if they couldn't afford insurance ." Obama challenges Clinton on health care Baltimore Sun her promises of universal coverage depend on key details on which she has been unwilling to take a clear position. ...... his plan offers guaranteed access to health insurance and lower costs. ....... unless she can come up with a way of enforcing the requirement to buy health insurance that she proposes. ...... "Sen. Clinton still hasn't explained what this mandate is: What's she going to do if somebody doesn't purchase health care? Is she going to fine them? Is she going to garnish their wages? " ....... And without an enforcement mechanism, there is no mandate . It's just a political talking point ....... the former first lady "has said she is going to work with Congress on those details." ........ 15 million Americans ... the number of people who would not purchase health insurance without a requirement. ........ in Massachusetts, the only state so far to require residents to buy health insurance, hundreds of thousands of people have not purchased insurance despite a fine levied on those who fail to do so through their tax returns. ...... Obama's own health care plan does include a requirement that families purchase insurance for their children. ...... the senator plans to enforce that mandate through schools in a way similar to current rules that require children to show proof of immunization in order to enroll. A Mudslinging Reality Check for Clinton Washington Post For all the moaning by Democratic candidates about how mean their rivals are, it takes only a quick look at what's happening in Russia or Pakistan these days to see genuinely hardball politics . ....... Clinton who was making "personal attacks" against him. ...... Obama's criticism of her vote on an Iran resolution may be overblown or distorted, but is it mud to debate an important foreign policy question? ....... she is too tied into a calcified, corrupted Washington establishment ..... attacks on Thomas Jefferson for fathering children with a slave to the allegations that Andrew Jackson was a bigamist. Martin Van Buren was accused by a congressman of secretly wearing women's clothes. Rutherford B. Hayes was accused of getting drunk and shooting his mother. Grover Cleveland, accused of fathering a child out of wedlock, endured chants of "Ma, Ma, where's my Pa?" at opposition rallies -- to which supporters after his victory appended the rejoinder, "Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha." ......... What little dirty campaigning has taken place -- the anonymous emails asserting that Obama is a secret Muslim or the push polls telling voters that Republican Mitt Romney is a Mormon -- has not been taking place on the public stage but below the radar screen and has yet to be tied to any campaign. ........ if anybody, including Senator Clinton, thinks this is mudslinging -- this is milquetoast compared to what we're going to see next fall. We need to have a candidate who's actually ready for that battle." ........ Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich's bankruptcy of the city of Cleveland while mayor ....... Rudy Giuliani's three marriages and the children who don't like him very much ....... her husband's tabloid presidency ....... her own grand jury testimony that led prosecutors to draft, but never file, an indictment against her in the Whitewater case ...... And be glad they're not in Russia. GOP Comeback Climb Is Increasingly Steep making an already difficult 2008 electoral landscape even more complicated for the minority party. ...... Party officials insist that the retirements -- 17 members of the House and six senators -- are simply the result of individual decisions and not indicative of a broader negative sentiment within the party. ....... a large number from competitive states and districts -- heading for the exits ...... Hastert revealed that he is leaving Capitol Hill immediately ........ Republicans find themselves in serious danger of falling deeper into the minority in both the House and Senate in 2008. ....... Republicans also face a daunting financial gap at the congressional level, the likes of which they have not seen in decades . .......... one senior Republican strategist was blunt. "Open seats are bought, not won" ....... "Everyone is focusing on patterns that have little meaning," said Gingrich, insisting that House Democrats are legislating themselves into dangerous territory . "There begins to be the potential for a very interesting and very different 2008 campaign. In that new campaign, the Republican potential to regain a majority would be very substantial." Clinton addresses many topics in Tribune interview Baltimore Sun if you want universal health care you have to have a mandate. ...... Clinton said she is not writing off the Feb. 5 primary state of Illinois to Obama. ...... Her campaign is also planning two major fundraisers in Chicago on Dec. 18. .... Combined, the events are expected to bring in as much as $1 million. Oprah to hit trail for Obama, Clinton relies on husband Bill Reuters Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton Bring Star Power to Iowa Washington Post Both are legendary communicators, perhaps the two greatest in their generation. Both helped build an ethic of empathy, turning the public confession into a rite of passage. Both are world-renowned -- one for being a former president, the other for a TV show usually identified just by her first name. ........ a rare collision of talent and fame on the campaign trail, is a sign of just how competitive the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses have become, especially when it comes to attracting female voters. .......... one of the most powerful voices in public life, the host of the top-ranked television talk show for more than two decades .... arguably the only person capable of countering Hillary Clinton's most empathetic surrogate . ...... Edwards's 80-page 'Plan to Build One America' ....... Clinton has put gender at the center of her candidacy and almost always surrounds herself with women , both prominent and not, on the campaign trail ....... She also has the support of the advocacy group Emily's List, which announced a statewide drive to turn out female voters for Clinton . The announcement asserted that, in 2004, "more than 80 percent of active Democratic women did not attend" the caucuses, and that so far this year, that same pocket of women -- the ones less likely to attend on caucus night -- "give the greatest margin of support" to Clinton. ...... Obama is running about even in Iowa with Clinton among women Paris suburb riots called 'a lot worse' than in 2005 International Herald Tribune roving gangs of angry youths clashing with the riot police in France's edgy suburbs , the government appealing for calm, local officials and residents complaining that their problems are ignored. ....... Two years after an orgy of violence in which rioters in more than 300 suburbs ..... similarly have erupted in violence and destruction. ....... three weeks of rioting in 2005 ..... This time, hunting shotguns, as well as gasoline bombs and rocks , have been turned on the police. ........ a real guerrilla war ....... More than 80 police officers already have been wounded .... bands of youth were procuring more shotguns. ........ the underlying causes of frustration and anger - particularly among unemployed, undereducated youth, mostly the offspring of Arab and African immigrants - remain the same. .......... "The suburbs are like tinderboxes. You have people in terrible social circumstances, plus all the rage, plus all the hate , plus all the rumors and all you need is one spark to set them on fire." ........ During his presidential campaign, he stayed away from France's suburbs ...... what is to be a "Marshall Plan" for the suburbs. ....... "We've been talking about a Marshall Plan for the suburbs since the early 1990s," said Adil Jazouli, a sociologist who focuses on the suburbs. " We don't need poetry. We don't need reflection. We need money. " ........ the deaths of two teenagers identified as Moushin, 15, and Larimi, 16, occurred, the event that sparked the latest unrest. The teenagers were riding without helmets in a mini-motorbike that crashed into a police car on Sunday. 77 Police Officers Hurt in Paris Riots New York Times Sarkozy to China: Grow in a clean way BusinessWeek China Quickly Condemns Dalai Lama's Call for Referendum on Succession Voice of America Google Reportedly Plans To Offer Online Storage Service InformationWeek a Web-based hard drive for accessing and sharing information that resides in their home computers. ....... Google, however, believes it can differentiate itself by developing a user interface that's easier to use than other services. ...... Picasa offers 1 Gbyte of free storage, and Gmail gives users 2.8 Gbytes at no charge. .... Google unveiled its storage options shortly after Microsoft launched its free online storage service SkyDrive, which offers 500 Mbytes . ...... In the case of Google, knowing more of what's in a person's hard drive could broaden the possibilities for targeted advertising. Google announces renewable-energy plan BusinessWeek will be less expensive than electricity generated from coal. ....... expects to invest "hundreds of millions of dollars" in renewable-energy projects. ........ "Our goal is to produce one gigawatt of renewable energy capacity that is cheaper than coal . We are optimistic this can be done in years , not decades," Google co-founder Larry Page ......... advanced solar thermal power, wind power and enhanced geothermal systems. ..... Google.org Home Prices Down 4.5% in a Year New York Times Brazilian police investigating deadly soccer accident Xinhua David Beckham's deal put US soccer on world map Melbourne Herald Sun Dell to sell Google search appliances Bizjournals.com After Stem-Cell Breakthrough, the Real Work Begins New York Times Africa: Daily HIV/Aids Report AllAfrica.com HIV/AIDS Is Washington's 'Modern Epidemic' NPR Washington DC Topped the Statistics in Case of AIDS eFluxMedia Verizon Takes Down Its Walls TheStreet.com Verizon set to open network to all devices MSNBC Verizon Announces Plans to Unlock Network ABC News Early next year, the number two wireless carrier in the country "will publish the technical standards the development community will need to design products to interface with the Verizon Wireless network ...... "Let the network be free."
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