Obama again stirs up decades-old debate on Cuba CNN What to do about Fidel Castro is a question that dates back five decades and 10 U.S. presidencies. ...... Obama wrote that he would grant Cuban-Americans "unrestricted rights to visit family and send remittances to the island." .... Gov. Mitt Romney was quick to pounce, saying in a statement "unilateral concessions to a dictatorial regime are counterproductive" and that Obama's position proves the Illinois senator "does not have the strength to confront America's enemies or defend our values." .....
Current restrictions allow Cuban-Americans to send family members $300 a quarter and limit visits to up to 14 days once every three years. ..... Sen. Chris Dodd would do more; he favors allowing all Americans unrestricted travel to Cuba. ..... Cuban-Americans account for less than 1 percent of the U.S. population. But they are heavily concentrated in the key presidential battleground of Florida, where they constitute 8 percent of the state's electorate. .......
Cuban-Americans are the most reliably Republican of the nation's Latino voters, leading some strategists to wonder why Obama would be interested in inflaming the passions of the Cuba debate. ...... President Clinton's decision to return Elian Gonzalez to Castro's Cuba provoked outrage among Cuban-Americans, and, according to a Florida International University Study, Republican candidates received more than 80 percent of the Cuban-American vote in Florida in the 2000 presidential and the 2002 gubernatorial elections
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