Burma: 400, 000 Members, 400,000 Dollars
Burma: Time For Nonviolent Guerilla Warfare
Burma: Time For Hyper Action
The World Is Failing Burma
Burma: Than Shwe Is Going To The Hague
Britain Is Betraying Burma
Burma: Time For All Out Sanctions By All Powers
Burma: Momentum Is Key To Victory
Shame On The Top Politicians Of The World: Burma Asks For More
In Solidarity With The Burmese People
For the money one candidate for president spent on one ad in Iowa this past month, you could catapult the democracy movement in Burma to success. But all the western leaders offer is words, gestures. Your kind words are killing me softly.
I appreciate Laura Bush and her husband extending moral support to the democracy movement in Burma. Bush has his heart in the right place. It is his brain that is the problem.
Moral support is only one small part of the deal. It must be accompanied by logistical support. A democracy movement has to be planned like a space mission, and then it works like exact science. It will work unfailingly, in country after country after country.
It takes a lot of guts for hundreds of thousands of people to come out into the streets in the face of certain brutality. But when that momentum is lost, it takes a lot of time to regain it.
If the momentum is strong enough, a successful uprising in Burma can catapult into a mass uprising in Zimbabwe. To Iran, to Egypt. To Saudi Arabia. And, let's not kid ourselves, ultimately to China.
No external power can bring about mass action, but all external powers working in close cooperation with the diaspora of each such country can provide the moral and logistical support that can make all the difference.
Spread Democracy
In The News
Security And Opportunity For The 21st Century by Hillary Rodham Clinton reintroduce America to the world and restore our leadership ...... the democratic values that are the deepest source of our strength. ...... In my travels around the world as senator and as first lady, I have met people from all walks of life. ...... we diverted vital military and financial resources from the struggle against al Qaeda and the daunting task of building a Muslim democracy in Afghanistan. ........... turning our backs on the search for peace in the Middle East. ...... refusal to participate in any international effort to deal with the tremendous challenges of climate change ........ the world's most pressing problems require unprecedented cooperation ...... American leadership is wanting, but it is still wanted. ......... threats from states, nonstate actors, and nature itself ........ The next president will be the first to inherit two wars ....... an unpredictable and dangerous situation in the Middle East that threatens Israel and could potentially bring down the global economy by disrupting oil supplies. ........ a new wave of global health epidemics. ........ a pragmatic willingness to look at the facts on the ground and make decisions based on evidence rather than ideology. ......... Leadership requires a blend of strategy, persuasion, inspiration, and motivation. It is based on respect more than fear. ...... harness our might to a set of guiding principles. ..... Use our military not as the solution to every problem but as one element in a comprehensive strategy. ........ Nor can diplomacy alone stop the perpetrators of genocide and crimes against humanity in places such as Darfur. ...... the value of simply carrying a big stick, rather than using it. .......... international institutions are tools rather than traps ...... we should bring them in line with the power realities of the twenty-first century and the basic values embodied in such documents as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ........ Globalization is widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots within societies and between them. Today, there are more than two billion people living on less than $2 a day. ....... a vast permanent underclass ....... countries plagued by mass poverty and ruled by tiny wealthy elites ....... The war is sapping our military strength, absorbing our strategic assets, diverting attention and resources from Afghanistan, alienating our allies, and dividing our people. The war in Iraq has also stretched our military to the breaking point. ........ government ministries or ministers that hoard, steal, or waste them. ...... the two million Iraqis who have fled their country and the two million more who have been displaced internally. ......... Ongoing military innovation is essential, but the Bush administration has undermined this goal by focusing obsessively on expensive and unproven missile defense technology ......... develop a modern GI Bill of Rights ...... In the cities of Europe and Asia -- such as Hamburg and Kuala Lumpur, which were the springboards for 9/11 -- terrorist cells are preparing for future attacks. We must understand not only their methods but their motives: a rejection of modernity, women's rights, and democracy, as well as a dangerous nostalgia for a mythical past. We must develop a comprehensive strategy focusing on education, intelligence, and law enforcement to counter not only the terrorists themselves but also the larger forces fueling support for their extremism. ............ dry up recruiting opportunities for the Taliban by funding crop-substitution programs, a large-scale road-building initiative, institutions that train and prepare Afghans for honest and effective governance, and programs to enable women to play a larger role in society. ......... better intelligence and a clandestine service that is out on the street, not sitting behind desks ........ increase the number of agents and analysts proficient in Arabic and other key languages ....... building counterterrorist capacity around the world ...... strengthen police, prosecutorial, and judicial systems abroad; improve intelligence; and implement more stringent border controls, especially in developing countries. ........ help the most vulnerable and at-risk cities prepare for an attack. ....... The Bush administration has opposed talks with our adversaries, seeming to believe that we are not strong enough to defend our interests through negotiations. ......... Iran .... the country that most practices state-sponsored terrorism, and it uses its surrogates to supply explosives that kill U.S. troops in Iraq. ......... Iran has enhanced its nuclear-enrichment capabilities, armed Iraqi Shiite militias, funneled arms to Hezbollah, and subsidized Hamas, even as the government continues to hurt its own citizens by mismanaging the economy and increasing political and social repression. .......... North Korea responded to the Bush administration's effort to isolate it by accelerating its nuclear program, conducting a nuclear test, and building more nuclear weapons. ........ remove all nuclear material from the world's most vulnerable nuclear sites and effectively secure the remainder ........ Putin has thwarted a carefully crafted UN plan that would have put Kosovo on a belated path to independence, attempted to use energy as a political weapon against Russia's neighbors and beyond, and tested the United States and Europe on a range of nonproliferation and arms reduction issues. Putin has also suppressed many of the freedoms won after the fall of communism, created a new class of oligarchs, and interfered deeply in the internal affairs of former Soviet republics. ......... Putin has used Russia's energy wealth to expand the Russian economy, so that more ordinary Russians are enjoying a rising standard of living. ........ Our relationship with China will be the most important bilateral relationship in the world in this century. ......... on most global issues we have no more trusted allies than those in Europe. ......... the largest developing democracies in the region, Brazil and Mexico, and deepen economic and strategic cooperation with Argentina and Chile. ...... the interconnected threats of drug trafficking, crime, and insurgency ...... the growing ranks of democracies in Africa ........ the blatant political corruption and brutality of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe ........ We will have to talk about the consequences of our invasion of Iraq for the Iraqi people and others in the region. We will have to talk about Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib. ........... the Education for All Act, which would provide $10 billion over a five-year period to train teachers and build schools in the developing world. ......... climate control represents a powerful economic opportunity that can be a driver of growth, jobs, and competitive advantage ........ Two-thirds of the growth in energy demand over the next 25 years will come from countries with little existing infrastructure. ...... all of Africa can provide carbon credits to the West. ........ Human rights will never truly be realized as long as a majority of the world's population is still treated as second-class citizens. ......... women have been elected heads of state in countries on nearly every continent ....... the continuing spread of trafficking in women, the ongoing use of rape as an instrument of war, the political marginalization of women, and persistent gender gaps in employment and economic opportunity. ........ 1825 .... exulted in the simple fact that America had survived and flourished ...... gloried not in American power but rather in the power of the American idea ......... Two centuries later, our economic power and military might have grown beyond anything that our forefathers could have imagined. ........ the authority not simply of a large and wealthy nation but of the American idea.
Paparazzi 'fighting' by Diana car
Putin tells U.S. not to strike Iran Russia would not accept military action against Iran and he invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Moscow for talks. ...... and leaders of other Caspian Sea states who ruled out any strikes on Iran from their region. ..... "We should not even think of using force in this region." ...... Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan at a summit of Caspian Sea states. ...... The countries also backed the rights of signatories to the Non-Proliferation Treaty -- which includes Iran -- to develop peaceful nuclear energy. ...... Russia is building Iran's first atomic power plant in the port city of Bushehr. Russia says Iran is behind in payments for the plant, causing construction delays, but Iran says it is up to date and that Moscow is bowing to Western pressure. ....... Putin had bilateral talks with Ahmadinejad and also met Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who holds ultimate authority in Iran. ........ Moscow says it sees no evidence of a military program
GOP breaking Reagan's 11th commandment
Campaign ad spending expected to reach $3 billion
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