Monday, August 02, 2010

Reshma Is Taking Over

Reshma took over my Gchat status.

Reshma took over my Gmail signature.

Reshma took over my Twitter page.

Reshma has partially taken over my Facebook page. When I share a link from Sree's page, you know I have ulterior motives. (Recruited 60 For Reshma 2010)

Reshma so decidedly took over my Barackface blog in July. She is about to push Obama himself as the most prominent politician at this blog. (Reshma On Track To Taking Over This Blog)

It can be argued she has also sucked some major oxygen from my tech blog Netizen. That was supposed to be my primary blog. Not any more. As my activity level at Barackface has gone up, my activity level at Netizen has gone down. (Digital Dumbo 18: The Dumbo Loft) I no longer show up at Fred Wilson's blog every day. Sorry Fred.

Reshma took over much of my Sunday yesterday. I was at the Reshma 2010 headquarters making phone calls all afternoon. I even wrote my first few letters yesterday. When was the last time I wrote a letter? Cursive writing feels good.

Reshma Saujani, among the top 10 women to watch in America, (Reshma Saujani: Top 10 Women To Watch In America) Reshma Saujani, top woman to watch in New York City, Reshma Saujani, the only woman to watch in District 14. (Maloney Is Too Ordinary To Be Representing District 14)
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