This guy is really coming along, isn't he? He says, I am from Hope, Arkansas, give us another chance. Ha.
Right now it looks like it will be Barack Obama versus Mike Huckabee.
Neither Hillary, Nor Rudy (September 4)
First it looked like it will be Hillary Vs. McCain. Then it looked like it will be Hillary Vs. Rudy. Now it is Obama Vs. Huckabee. A month before Iowa, that is a good place to be.
First time I saw the Huckabee face was when Dave Pollak posted the Chuck Norris ad on his profile page at Facebook and it showed up on my updates page. I clicked on it and left a comment: first time I am seeing the Huckabee face, I guess the ad worked.
He is for eliminating the IRS. A revenue neutral sales tax only proposal.
He says he is for sanctity of life, but not only of the life in the womb. He says we sometimes forget the life after birth. I guess he is talking of the deprived kids. I hope he means globally.
Either all Americans have the health care Congress members have, or Congress members get the health insurance of the average American. Hmm.
Big Party: December 18
DL21C Annual Summer Bash: Barack Won The Straw Poll
Another party to crash?
To members of New York State Democratic Party

Democrats have a lot to celebrate this Holiday Season and a lot to look forward to in 2008.
Please join us for a Holiday Party brought to you by the New York State Democratic Party, DL21C, and other progressive organizations in New York. *
Tuesday, December 18th
8:30 pm
Taj Lounge
48 W 21st St.
B/D/F/V/1/N/R to 23rd St.
$7 suggested contribution at the door. RSVP in advance to Marie Parker at / 212-725-8825. There will be a cash bar.
Brought to you by...
New York State Democratic Party |
Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century |
New York Democratic Lawyers Council |
New York State Young Democrats |
Democracy for New York City |
The Daily Gotham |
* Is your organization interested in co-sponsoring? Contact Adam Riff at or 212-725-8825 x234
Visit the event page at:
and spread the word!!
Please join us for a Holiday Party brought to you by the New York State Democratic Party, DL21C, and other progressive organizations in New York. *
Tuesday, December 18th
8:30 pm
Taj Lounge
48 W 21st St.
B/D/F/V/1/N/R to 23rd St.
$7 suggested contribution at the door. RSVP in advance to Marie Parker at / 212-725-8825. There will be a cash bar.
Brought to you by...
New York State Democratic Party |
Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century |
New York Democratic Lawyers Council |
New York State Young Democrats |
Democracy for New York City |
The Daily Gotham |
* Is your organization interested in co-sponsoring? Contact Adam Riff at or 212-725-8825 x234
Visit the event page at:
and spread the word!!
In The News
Huckabee Catching Up to Giuliani as Top Republican (Update1)
Clinton Campaign Volunteer Out Over False Obama Rumors
Obama calling youth to service Chicago Tribune
Obama: Expand National Service Programs
Obama adds Huck to list MSNBC Obama said: “Triangulating and poll-testing our positions because we’re worried about what Mitt or Rudy or Fred or Mike might say about us just won’t do.” What’s different this time? The addition of Mike Huckabee to that quick rundown of potential GOP nominees, who Obama hopes to be challenging next year.
Google Gets Chatty With AOL Washington Post frees you of AOL's bloated, ad-riddled AIM software.
Why Is IRC Stooping So Low? Robert Reich I'm becoming increasingly concerned about the stridency and inaccuracy of charges in Iowa -- especially coming from my old friend. ...... (Bill Gates satisfies his yearly Social Security obligations a few minutes past midnight on January 1 every year.) ...... maybe to $115,00 ..... when HRC charges that Obama's plan would "raise taxes" and her plan wouldn't, she's simply not telling the truth. ....... I've compared the two plans in detail. Both of them are big advances over what we have now. But in my view Obama's would insure more people, not fewer, than HRC's. ........ we're learning from what's happening in Massachusetts where health insurance is now being mandated -- that mandates still leave out a lot of people at the lower end who can't afford to insure themselves even when they're required to do so. HRC doesn't indicate how she'd enforce her mandate, and I can't find enough money in HRC's plan to help all those who won't be able to afford to buy it. I'm also impressed by the up-front investments in information technology in O's plan, and the reinsurance mechanism for coping with the costs of catastrophic illness. ...... They're both advances, but O's is the better of the two. HRC has no grounds for alleging that O's would leave out 15 million people. ....... I just don't get it. If there's anyone in the race whose history shows unique courage and character, it's Barack Obama. HRC's campaign, by contrast, is singularly lacking in conviction about anything. Her pollster, Mark Penn, has advised her to take no bold positions and continuously seek the political center, which is exactly what she's been doing. ......... this series of slurs doesn't serve HRC well. It will turn off voters in Iowa, as in the rest of the country. If she's worried her polls are dropping, this is not the way to build them back up.
Robert Reich's blog.
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