In my mind, these are the three star Democrats in America today. There are many other good ones as well, but they are more Secretary material.
Make no mistake, I am for Obama. I want him as president, and I want him now. But I have always liked Hillary, that has never seen a dip. And Spitzer is a racehorse waiting in the wings. You have to watch his hooves. It is hard to imagine this guy will not have a decided go at the White House at some point. His governorship feels too much like a prelude to something bigger.
I have thought of many combos in my mind. I have thought of Obama-Spitzer. But I think Hillary will carry New York in the primaries, and Barack will carry Illinois, but New Jersey, California and the rest are fair game. There is no telling right now if it will be Hillary-Obama or Obama-Hillary. Both sound great.
One scenario is it is Hillary-Obama in for eight years. Then Obama picks Spitzer who has had two wonderful terms as Governor of New York, and he has been preparing hard. He has legalized gay marriage in New York and is now ready to do that nationally. But while he worked on it and on total campaign finance reform in New York, the Democratic White House had to stay away. Spitzer had to go alone and that was fine by him. But he made both work in New York, and now he was ready for the national scene.
So at that point Obama-Spitzer does not look like a continuation of the same old, same old, it feels like a break from the past, it feels like a departure.
And so it is eight years of Obama-Spitzer. And then Spitzer takes a shot at the top job. He wins. The Democrats have an unprecedented fifth term, but that is an okay counterbalance to a coservative domination of the Supreme Court for a generation.
But then the pendulum swings. Some Republican woman who has totally internalized all the social progressive elements traditionally known to be with the Dems denies Spitzer a second term. She symbolizes the post Obama-Spitzer generation. She is from my generation perhaps.
But 20 years is a long time. It will be unprecedented. Usually a party that long in power runs out of steam, or gets too arrogant, or gets hijacked by its extreme elements, or stops acting financially prudent.
So the best bet would be if Spitzer were to spend two terms in Albany acting like he were in opposition to those in power at the White House. And he can do that by acting gutsy on gay marriage and campaign finance reform in ways that those at the federal level simply can't at this point in time.
New York state under Spitzer could become the laboratory for Democrats. The good stuff happens here before it happens nationally.
These three should preside over the transformation of America into an information economy, with a vibrant clean energy industry, universal health care, universal broadband, robust growth rates, balanced budgets, and finally paying down the debt, and a non-apologetic agenda of a total spread of democracy the progressive way, the war with communications technology way.
There is talk Bloomberg might run against Spitzer in 2010. Spitzer will win hands down. Ross Perot also had a lot of money. But Bloomberg is a good man, he will have tried.
Another scenario is it is Obama-Spitzer for eight years, and then Spitzer in for four or eight. Then Bloomberg will stand a chance of becoming Governor.
Obama-Spitzer Vs. Giuliani-RomneyAn Obama Spitzer TicketObama, Hillary, SpitzerTwo Terms As Governor