And Spitzer will be ready to be president. I think he is going to be a terrific president. He is going to add an additional d to democracy. He is going to give democracy backbone. He is going to prove at the national level that people actually matter to the political process, big time. Spitzer's commitment to the ordinary people is amazing, it is sophisticated, it is pragmatic, it is in your face.
Obama might, will bring in universal health care, but Spitzer will bring what not even Obama could, namely publicly financed campaigns nationwide. His strong suit is democracy itself. When Howard Dean says people power, his is a rally cry, and that has been sorely lacking, and has been much needed. But when Spitzer says people power, it is people power 2.o, it is much more concrete.
Imagine statehood for DC. Spitzer has the backbone to be able to deliver something like that. Imagine all of the US is considered one territory, and constituencies to the House and the Senate are divided based on equal population. Imgine that. I think Spitzer could make possible such a thing.
The states already have their legislatures. The federal folks should be thinking national. Federal constituencies need not respect state boundaries.
Direct elections for president.
Spitzer's rectification of the Wall Street has been very pro-market. His acts have been to weed out corruption and inefficiency so as to help the market better serve people.
Universal health care is pro-market. I can't imagine a full blown information age without it.
Similarly democracy has to be taken to the ideal of one person, one vote. The suggestion is mathematical. Of all politicians in America, Spitzer has the backbone to deliver Democracy 2.0. I can't think of anyone else even remotely close.
FDR was also New York Governor. He also had a majority in the state Senate like Spitzer is about to get, something that has not happened after FDR.
The word that most comes to my mind when I think of Spitzer is the word substance. The guy is sheer substance. Sheer substance. Sheer guts. And for all that you would think he can't ever break into a smile. The truth is he can be out and out hilarious. First time I got to see him in person, he brought the house down repeatedly cracking up about his wild acts on - upon - Wall Street.
And for someone who was in his early 20s when he came to the US, the symbolism of a Spitzer in the White House does not escape me at all. Hopefully the Middle East will have seen a final map and a total spread of democracy before that, but if not, I mean. Who gives a f____ what happened 2,000 years ago. Or 200 years ago. Or even 50 years ago. Think today, think the future, and make peace. Give Jerusalem to me. I will be the monkey to the two cats fighting over a piece of bread. And give the refugees to America. Put up tents in Arizona.
Make money, not war.
Middle East 2.0.
An Obama Administration
Eliot Spitzer, Governor
Eliot Spitzer For Running Mate
Eliot Spitzer, Aliza Fatima
Eliot Spitzer
One little tidbit. I was inspired to write this blog entry after listening to the Madonna clip on my MySpace page again and again for hours, literally. Erotica. Madonna is a major statement. I consider her a political inspiration.In The News
Spitzer Rumbles With Healthcare Union NY1, NY
Pataki Gift to Spitzer: An $800 Million Problem New York Sun, NY
New start for much delayed Manhattan subway project Newsday, NY
The Seven Sisters Pose for Spitzer - and for You! NewsBlaze, CA
Spitzer Founds PAC To Help Dems Nationwide WBEN 930, NY
Spitzer Forms Federal Political Action Committee
Exclusive NY1 Poll: Spitzer, Cuomo Get Thumbs Up After First 100 Days NY1, NY
Spitzer's racked up many accomplishments
Presidential primary moving to Feb. 5
I won't be Clinton's No 2, says Obama Mr Obama was at ease on the show .... traded quips and one-liners with Mr Letterman. He said his two young daughters were "not overly impressed" by his running for president and that his wife was frustrated he was not home in Chicago more often. "My wife is starting to refer to me as her first husband," he said. "It's a little disturbing."
For Democrats, Health Care Is a Rite of Passage
Nepal ethnic group calls strike in southern plains Reuters AlertNet "We have called for a general strike on April 20, 21, and 22 in the entire Madhesh region against the anti-Madhesi and anti-democracy policy of the government," Forum chief Upendra Yadav said in a statement.
Religious activist in India says Liz Hurley’s wedding mocked Hindu ... Boston Herald The 41-year-old British actress-model and Nayar, a 42-year-old Indian businessman, were married in a lavish Hindu ceremony at a palace-turned-hotel in the western Indian city of Jodhpur in March. ..... The couple first wed in a private civil ceremony in a castle outside London. .... since the couple already had married before, they had no Hindu religious sanction to marry for a second time. ....... The complaint goes on to say that Hurley did not remove her footwear while walking around the sacred fire at the ceremony and wore revealing clothes. ....... Arun Nayar’s father, Vinod Nayar, also will testify against the couple ..... Vinod Nayar has severed ties with his son after he was thrown out of the wedding on Hurley’s urging.
US defends China on Darfur role MSNBC
Holocaust Museum, Google team up
Now Shot-Gun Aims At Amitabh Bachchan say anything about the Bachchans and you get your share of lime-light
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