Hillary Must Have Known Only a few weeks back Hillary called Dick Cheney Darth Vader. She must have known Dick Cheney and Barack Obama are cousins. I think Hillary has decided to go negative this primary season. Impeach Bush-Cheney, Nancy Pelosi Gets To Become First Female President Dick Cheney, Nelson Mandela, Howard Dean SoDoes this mean Barack Obama is good with a gun or bad with a gun? I am trying to figure out. NYCI took to NYC like duck to water. This city is custom-made for me. I like the whole package deal, the filth, the stench, the noise, the street food, the crowds, especially the crowds. Welcome to the Third World. I am in total love with New York City.
Reverend, What Do You Do? I think the hardest thing for me being in New York City for over two years now has been to explain to people as to what exactly it is that I do. I used to try and give an honest answer, try and be as precise as possible. I am working to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I am going to be bigger than Michael Dell. One of them is enough to lose people. When you mix both, it sounds like more than a career switch, it makes people want to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. People don't get the impression they are in the presence of greatness. They think it outlandish. So now I try to do the nice, diplomatic thing. I have a young company that I can't tell you anything about because you are not one of my investors. People can live with that.
From inventing nonviolent militancy to the IC vision is no career switch. It is a continuation of your work. You are still moving in the same direction. In my worldview, democracy is the starting point for any country. And then if you want to bridge the gap between the so-called First World and Third World, the internet is the only way to do it, so you try to get as many people in the Global South online as possible through market efforts. Where is the career switch? I don't see one. Inventing nonviolent militancy means I am great with group dynamics.
A black reporter once asked Jesse Jackson on national television, "But, Reverend, what exactly it is that you do!"
At the last DL21C event I went to, this guy who accompanied the guest speaker asked me, I found myself sitting at the same table, "What do you do? Are you a doctor?"
"I am not a doctor, but I am very smart!"
In my travels all over America, I got that so very often. I don't think there is any small town in America anywhere that does not have an Indian doctor and a Chinese restaurant. Way to go.
"Are you a Patel?" That was another big one. I once saw this huge billboard in Tennessee off the interstate, "Motel, run by Americans!"
Racial Politics In America Just Got Very Complicated Now I find myself rooting for a Dick Cheney cousin. Could that still count for progressive?Barack: Black Enough For Me In The News Dalai Lama Says His Successor Could be Chosen by Unorthodox Method Voice of America China calls US medal for Dalai Lama a "farce" Reuters US honor for Dalai Lama angers China CNN International Clinton Eclipses Obama, Giuliani, Romney in Wall Street Money Bloomberg Clinton raised more money on Wall Street last quarter than Barack Obama, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney combined . ..... $748,896 .... $177,456 for Obama ..... lead in public opinion polls and disciplined campaign ..... Clinton supporters say raising money became easier in recent months as she showed she can run a largely mistake-free campaign . Her debate performances and surge in the polls also helped ......... Clinton's biggest third-quarter take came from Morgan Stanley, the world's second-largest securities firm. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Mack held an event for Clinton ....... second quarter, when Obama, 46, raised $739,579 and Clinton followed with $424,545 ...... a market correction ..... ``The promise of Obama was sort of like the tech start-up that got people very excited early on , but he really hasn't delivered the steak with the sizzle.'' ........ Democratic strategist Steve McMahon said that while Wall Street ``behaves like a futures market,'' Obama still has a good shot at the nomination. ``Barack's future is going to be determined not on Wall Street, but on Main Street -- in small towns all across Iowa and New Hampshire and if he wins there, Wall Street doesn't matter,'' said McMahon, who isn't aligned with any campaign. IMF warns about impact of biofuels on food prices Forbes IMF trims 2008 global economic forecast MarketWatch IMF raises China's 2007 economic growth forecast to 11.5 percent International Herald Tribune NTPC to set up 1980 MW project in Bihar Hindu a 1,980 MW (3 x 660 MW) coal based power project at Nabinagar in Aurangabad district in Bihar. ..... the existing 220 MW capacity under renovation at Muzzaffarpur in Bihar. Gore Says He Doesn't Plan Run for US Presidency (Update1) Bloomberg Support Wanes in House for Genocide Vote New York Times Parliamentary Democracy In Russia? Forbes Cheney, Obama are 'cousins'. Sydney Morning Herald Barack Obama and Dick Cheney 'are cousins' Times Online Obama and Cheney, Making Connections Washington Post Clinton disappointed as Obama closes funding gap Independent First thoughts: Calendar madness MSNBC The possibility that both parties will have two separate primary calendars is growing more likely by the day, especially after the Iowa GOP set Jan. 3 as its date and the South Carolina Dems are set for Jan. 26 (when the SC GOP is going on Jan. 19). While it may make sense in the backrooms of a rules and bylaws committee meeting at the RNC or DNC, the average voter is probably going to be confused. ....... And this is the democracy we're trying to export around the world? ...... Obama went after Clinton yesterday -- both complimenting her and describing the politics she practices as timid and divisive . ...... “If every move you’re making is based on a static politics where you are looking backwards and this is what the polls tell me, this how much room we have to maneuver … you’ll be a vast improvement over George Bush,” he said. “But you are not going to deliver on the major challenges, and you are not going to set a broad vision for the country .” .......... So far, the Clinton camp has responded to all Obama attacks the same way: Is this the "politics of hope"? Giuliani, Clinton Lead in Tri-State Area The Associated Press New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. ......NEW YORK ..... Hillary Rodham Clinton, 49 percent ..... Barack Obama, 12 percent ...... NEW JERSEY ..... Hillary Rodham Clinton, 46 percent ...... Barack Obama, 20 percent ..... CONNECTICUT ...... Hillary Rodham Clinton, 43 percent ..... Barack Obama, 16 percent ....... New Yorkers Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Rodham Clinton hold commanding leads on their home turf and could sweep presidential primaries in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut on Feb. 5. With the Republicans' winner-take-all primary rules, Giuliani could win all 183 tri-state delegates, giving him 15 percent of the 1,228 he needs to secure the nomination. Because Democrats allocate primary votes proportionally, Barack Obama and John Edwards could win some tri-state delegates, but Clinton could win more than 250 of the 2,181 she'd need for the Democratic nomination. Poll: Giuliani, Clinton poised for tri-state primary sweep Newsday Giuliani and Clinton "can count on their Northeast neighbors to give them an early bumper crop of delegates ....... Edwards ... in Connecticut he runs third with 8 percent, just ahead of the state's senior senator, Christopher Dodd, with 7 percent . ...... Clinton could win more than half the 468 delegates at stake, giving her 250 of the 2,181 she'd need ...... Clinton trumps Giuliani in New York, 50 percent to 36 percent. But the matchup between them in both Connecticut and New Jersey is a statistical tie Thompson cautions against Clinton obsession Boston Globe Widow of Paul Tsongas Wins House Seat in Possible Preview of '08 ABC News In the end, though, Tsongas credited her ideas more than her name for her victory. ...... Tsongas is the first woman this state has sent to Congress in more than two decades. ....... Ogonowski's loss by six percentage points "sent a message." ...... This race was noted around the country as a possible indicator of voting trends in the presidential primaries and caucuses. Tsongas made opposition to Iraq her central theme. ....... the first woman elected to Congress from Massachusetts in 25 years Giuliani has built a national campaign machine New York Daily News also has opened offices in half a dozen other states: California, Florida, North Dakota, Illinois, Missouri and New Jersey. ....... Super-Duper Tuesday because of the 20 primaries planned for the day, enough to seal a potential victory. ....... Giuliani has been able to stay atop the national polls without having to spend a dime on expensive TV commercials - a benefit of his post-9/11 fame. ...... the campaign has staffers on the payroll in less traditional states, among them Delaware, Connecticut, Georgia and Michigan. ...... His campaign teams in Florida and California, meanwhile, are now equal in size to those in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina India-US accord on nuclear energy in doubt Globe and Mail The pact would reverse three decades of U.S. anti-proliferation policy by allowing the United States to send nuclear fuel and technology to India, which has been cut off from the global atomic trade by its refusal to sign non-proliferation treaties and its testing of nuclear weapons. But Communist parties key to the survival of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government argue against closer ties with the United States. India plans to impose restrictions on foreign investors International Herald Tribune Some foreign investors may desert India's red-hot stock markets, after regulators unveiled a plan to ban anonymous investment and curb derivatives issues - a proposal that triggered a plunge of almost 10 percent ....... The proposal affects half of all foreign market investments. A recent rush of overseas cash has driven up the rupee , propelled markets to record highs and raised concerns about inflows of laundered money . ....... India's markets have enjoyed unprecedented appreciation in recent weeks, becoming some of the best performing in Asia, after foreign investors piled in, some looking for refuge from America's housing market problems. ....... "Exporters are hurting" and there are concerns about job losses in jewelry, textile, footwear and leather industries ....... About half of all foreign investment in India's equity markets is made through participatory notes. ....... Foreign investors are drawn to these instruments because they allow them to necessary to buy stock directly on India's markets - and because they are skip the paperwork-heavy registration processcheaper . ....... The proposal has the backing of the Reserve Bank of India and the Ministry of Finance and is expected to be passed ....... The move will "take some of the wind out of the sails" of India's markets in the short term, but is unlikely to have a long-term effect ....... Investors say the registration process can take three to six months, and is often delayed by layers of bureaucracy. ...... speed up the process for direct registration SA, India and Brazil discuss ties BBC News the developing world's most influential nations - South Africa, Brazil and India .... stalled world trade talks and co-operation in energy and access to natural resources ...... the three nations are trying to ease their reliance on trade with Europe and the US. ..... All three countries also have ambitions to join the UN Security Council. .... an effort by India to compete for energy and markets with China and the West. Judges Weigh Musharraf Election Win New York Times after an eight-year absence , despite threats from militants and pressure from the government to delay her return. ...... a “sea of people” would greet her ...... is planning to run in parliamentary elections set for the first half of January. ....... Bhutto said that she recognized that she was returning to many unknowns .... Ms. Bhutto holds that the corruption charges against her are politically motivated . But if the amnesty is found to be unconstitutional, numerous charges could be resurrected, and she could face jail. ......... Asif Zardari, who served eight years in prison in Pakistan after she was removed from power in 1996 ....... The former prime minister displayed a bold and passionate stance today that heralded a shakeup in Pakistani politics with her return. ....... “Threats have been made by Afghan militants, Arab militants and Red Mosque militants ....... “I have heard this morning that more than a million people are gathering in Karachi from far-flung areas. People have gathered together and pooled their money, their life savings, to rent a car, to rent a van, to rent a motorcycle, to rent a bus, to hitch a ride to come to Karachi, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart.” ......... she said she had to try to work out a transition to democracy. She took credit for persuading General Musharraf to resign his military post and continue as a civilian president , which will almost certainly reduce his control over the country. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” she said. ......... her party would continue to try to negotiate with General Musharraf for a transition to democracy, but if that failed, they would take to the streets . ........ we don’t have to agree on everything but we must agree that we will resolve our differences peacefully and politically,” she said. In Diabetes, a Complex of Causes The fifth leading killer of Americans, with 73,000 deaths a year ........ Until very recently, the regulation of glucose — how much sugar is present in a person’s blood, how much is taken up by cells for fuel, and how much is released from energy stores — was regarded as a conversation between a few key players: the pancreas, the liver, muscle and fat. Now, however, the party is proving to be much louder and more complex than anyone had shown before . ........ the reasons for abnormal sugar seem to “differ tremendously from person to person” ........ “providing the right care for each person each day, rather than giving everyone the same drug.” ....... researchers at Columbia University Medical Center published startling results showing that a hormone released from bone may help regulate blood glucose. ....... “For the first time,” he went on, “we see that the skeleton is actually an endocrine organ ,” producing hormones that act outside of bone. ........ could turn out to be a “unique new treatment” for Type 2 diabetes ...... the relationship of obesity, inflammation and insulin resistance ........ the hypothalamus, which also regulates appetite, temperature and sex drive. ....... side effects — chattering helpfully with one organ, but problematically with another. ..... “The picture is becoming more and more complicated,” Dr. Saltiel said. “And let’s face it, it was pretty complicated before.” Well: The Family Meal Is What Counts, TV On or Off The biggest factor wasn’t whether the TV was on or off, but whether the family was eating the meal together. ...... the power of the family meal. ....... many parents worry about what their kids are eating — vegetables versus junk — ....... the best strategy for improving a child’s diet is simply putting food on the table and sitting down together to eat it . ...... those who regularly have meals with their parents eat more fruits, vegetables and calcium-rich foods, ingest more vitamins and nutrients, and consume less junk food. Some of the research has shown that kids who regularly sit down to a family meal are at lower risk for behaviors like smoking and drug and alcohol use. ........ “family connectedness,” which essentially measures the psychological health of a family . ...... Children from highly connected families have been shown to eat healthier foods, get better grades and have lower risk for smoking and drug and alcohol use. ......... even after controlling for family connectedness, kids who had seven or more family meals a week were far less likely to smoke, drink alcohol or use marijuana than those who had just one or none. ........ Girls who dined alone ate fewer fruits, vegetables and calcium-rich foods and more soft drinks and snack foods than girls who ate with their parents. .... Boys who didn’t eat with their parents had fewer vegetables and calcium-rich foods than family diners. ....... Why a family meal can make such a difference isn’t entirely clear. ...... mealtime is often the only chance parents have to actually look over their busy teenagers, catch up on their lives and visually assess behavioral or physical changes that might signal problems. ..... “I think many people just don’t realize how important the family meal really is.” Pakistan Prepares for Bhutto Return ABC News Attack fears as Bhutto heads home CNN International China officially rebukes Bush over Dalai Lama meeting ABC Online China's Communists Now Welcoming Foreign Press Forbes Secrets Aplenty As China Communists Meet The Associated Press Congress Calls Yahoo to Explain its Action in China PC World Google's YouTube Debuts Copyright Enforcement System InformationWeek JFK Workers Moved Drugs, Authorities Say New York Times Facebook to Improve Safety PC World following an New York Attorney General investigation .... .... policing of pornography, harassment and inappropriate behavior ..... sending email to the abuse@facebook.com address. The company will respond to these complaints within 24 hours ....... perceptions it is a haven for pornography and sexual predators. ....... Investigators posing as minors on Facebook were repeatedly solicited by adult predators , and the site did a poor job of responding to complaints from investigators posing as minors or their parents ....... calling for Facebook to add age and identity verification for users 18 and older , filtering technology that would weed out inappropriate content, and a variety of other steps to protect minors. Madonna deal more about money than music Chicago Tribune has very little to do with ensuring the future of great music or serving the dedicated music fan. ...... a deal for the few, the rich, the branded. ...... using the Internet to get music from band to fan as directly and inexpensively as possible ....... Madonna's global megadeal with the nation's largest concert promoter is all about maximizing revenue streams. ...... the idea that an aggressive entertainment company can sell Madonna in more ways than ever. ....... even less about innovative music, and even more about innovative marketing . ...... Executives valued for their ability to find talented bands and artists who excel only at music, and not glamour , will become extinct at this mega-corporation level. ........ Madonna's business smarts. She saw this as a way to get even more rich and more famous, if that's possible. ........ concert tickets, where the two shared $86 million in revenue last year ...... record sales, merchandising, fan clubs, Web sites, DVDs, music-related television and film projects, and sponsorship deals. ......... The deal likely means the rich will get richer ....... Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, Eminem, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, U2's Bono ........ Live Nation presents a threat to the near monopoly once enjoyed by Warner Brothers, with whom Madonna has been contracted for 25 years , as well as Sony BMG, Universal and Capitol/EMI. ....... gunning to sign the same big-name artists that have been the majors' meal ticket for a half-century and offering them one-stop shopping benefits . ....... For a new or midsize band with a niche audience, the Live Nation-Madonna model has nothing to do with their reality, and probably never will . ........ Hello, Madonna -- a celebrity with a profound understanding of who she is at this stage in her career. She no longer needs a record company. Cry Me A River Ellen DeGeneres! Washington Post New York City For Barack Obama 8
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