I was Barack Obama's first full time volunteer in New York City.
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I Told You So
Mahayana Buddhist Temple, Chinatown, NYC
Times Square: Center Of The Known Universe: Happy New Year 2007
Rockefeller Center: Merry Christmas 2006
New poll shows Obama in a tie with Clinton among Democrats
International Herald Tribune
Obama had 30 percent, Clinton 29 percent
Clinton, Obama virtually tied in new poll
Obama "bests Clinton by a single percentage point, 30%-29%, if the contest includes former vice president
Al Gore
. Clinton bests Obama by a single point,
, if it doesn't include Gore." ....... Among Democrats alone, Clinton leads Obama by 5 points, 34%-29%. That's a significant narrowing from the USA TODAY Poll taken in
mid-May, when she led by 17 points
. Among independents, Obama leads by 9 points, 31%-22%."
Barack's Primary Opponents
Barack, The Comeback Kid
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Barack Lost The South Carolina Debate
In The News
New poll shows Obama in a tie with Clinton among Democrats
International Herald Tribune
Obama had 30 percent, Clinton 29 percent .... An ABC News-Washington Post survey released two days earlier showed Clinton leading Obama by a dozen points .... Obama's support in the USA Today/Gallup poll was not significantly different from that survey's results in May, when it found Clinton had a nine-point advantage.
Clinton's support dropped 6 percentage points since then
Poll shows Clinton, Obama tied
ImediNews, Georgia
New poll shows Obama in a tie with Clinton among Democrats (Pressemitteilung), Austria
USA Today/Gallup Poll: Obama Tied With Hillary, FL
Clinton, Obama virtually tied in new poll
Obama now virtually tied with Clinton, poll shows
USA Today
Hillary and Obama tied!
Politics on the Hudson, NY
Poll shows Clinton, Obama tied
Clinton, Obama virtually tied in new poll
Obama "bests Clinton by a single percentage point, 30%-29%, if the contest includes former vice president
Al Gore
. Clinton bests Obama by a single point,
, if it doesn't include Gore." ....... Among Democrats alone, Clinton leads Obama by 5 points, 34%-29%. That's a significant narrowing from the USA TODAY Poll taken in
mid-May, when she led by 17 points
. Among independents, Obama leads by 9 points, 31%-22%."
Obama is tied with Clinton in new Gallup Poll
Deseret News
White women may prove Clinton swing bloc
Support from women is propelling Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) ahead of her Democratic challengers ..... Clinton holds a lead even among minority women of more than 25 percentage points ...... But Clinton's standing among female voters within the wider electorate so far does not suggest that women would give her an advantage over a Republican in the general election. ...... surveys consistently have shown as her unpopularity among men ...... The Clinton campaign said it would give special attention to
white married working women
, a group Democratic strategists have treated as the pivotal voting bloc in recent elections. "They are a challenge for any Democrat," says Ann Lewis, who heads Clinton's outreach to women. ....... early indications are that, like Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) and Al Gore before her,
Clinton has not made significant inroads with white women
, despite her celebrity and the historic nature of her campaign. White women have not favored a Democrat since 1996. ......... Both Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani poll ahead of Clinton in a head-to-head race among white women, as well as with the electorate overall .......
the primary contest, where the New York senator currently splits men and maintains a strong lead among women
....... support tied to gender is likely to remain more constant than malleable perceptions like electability and character ..... the
gender gap in Clinton's favor in the Democratic contest crosses racial lines
, despite Obama's African-American status ....... the problem for Senator Obama: He's not well-known. ..... Clinton also leads Obama by more than 10 percent among white Democratic women ...... Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina .... Clinton's popularity with liberal-leaning women remains large ...... Women make up 55 percent to 60 percent of likely Democratic primary voters. .......
Clinton's strongest female support comes from those 18 to 34
as well as women over 70 ....... Clinton polls stronger with single women than with married women. ..... women without four-year college degrees are more likely to support Clinton than are those with college degrees ......
in every subgroup.. Clinton leads the Democratic field in female support
. ....... Clinton's gender appears to be an asset only in the primaries .....
Giuliani defeats Clinton among white women, 51 percent to 38 percent.
Clinton wins less than a third of white men against both McCain and Giuliani
Live by the Cold War, Die by the Cold War
Washington Post
Why Apple's iPhone is Not the Next iPod
Lawyer: Hilton Well After Night in Jail
ABC News
Edwards, Clinton and Obama Describe Journeys of Faith
New York Times
her husband’s infidelity, “I’m not sure I would have gotten through it without my faith.”
The event was organized by a liberal evangelical group, Sojourners, and televised by CNN. ......
“I’ve been through a faith journey in my life,” he said, adding that prayer “played a huge role in my survival” in those difficult moments.
...... Mrs. Clinton, who appeared comfortable chatting on stage with the CNN interviewer, Soledad O’Brien, and later roaming the stage while addressing the audience, drew the most rounds of applause. There were moments on stage that had
an almost confessional quality for her
. ...... Clinton said she took her faith “very seriously and very personally” but went on to say she came from
a faith tradition, Methodism
, that is “perhaps a little too suspicious of people who wear their faiths on their sleeves.” ........ She admitted that talking about her faith in public “doesn’t come naturally to me,” saying she often flashed back to “the Pharisees and all of the Sunday school lessons and readings I had as a child.” .......
“prayer warriors”
who “sustained me through a very difficult time.” ...... “I am very grateful I had a grounding in
faith that gave me the courage and the strength to do what I thought was right, regardless of what the world thought
” ...... “Sometimes, I say,
‘Oh Lord, why can’t you help me lose weight.’
” ...... He promised to build alliances across partisan lines to
improve early childhood education, children’s nutrition, workers’ pay and efforts to put criminal offenders on a better path
. ....... “The notion that we take away education programs in prisons, to be tough on crime, makes absolutely no sense,” Mr. Obama said. ...... Mara Vanderslice, director of religious outreach for the Kerry-Edwards campaign in 2004, said it would have been almost unimaginable for Democratic candidates to have participated in such an event in 2004. ..... Ms. Vanderslice recalled how difficult it was to nudge Mr. Kerry to talk about his Roman Catholic faith in a substantive way during the campaign.
Clinton, Edwards and Obama Discuss Their Faith at Forum
Washington Post
What's new: Clinton says faith helped her cope
USA Today
White women may prove Clinton swing bloc
Why Hillary Clinton Was the Winner of the Democratic Debate
Huffington Post
I said that Hillary Clinton was the winner of the Democratic debate. ...... She came across as more comfortable in her own skin, and more natural and less programmed than in the past. And
she exhibited an effortless charm that those close to her often rave about but that the public rarely sees
. She even scored two of the biggest laughs of the night with her zinger about Dick Cheney's diplomatic skills, and her use of Barry Goldwater's "shoot straight" line about gays in the military. .........
her campaign's foremost objective: blurring the differences between her and her opponents on Iraq
He could have raised substantive points, undermining her claims without in any way tarnishing
his "new kind of politics" patina
. ......
she had voted against an amendment put forth by Carl Levin that would have required Bush to exhaust all diplomatic approaches before invading Iraq
......... why Clinton had voted to authorize the war without reading the full National Intelligence Estimate ...... let Clinton get away with making the astounding
claim that "we are safer than we were" before 9/11 -- something that is simply not true
....... the fact that Bush's policies at home and abroad have left us less safe will certainly be a key line of attack for any Democratic campaign that hopes to succeed in 2008. .......
the over-hyped arrest of a near-indigent loner who dreamed of blowing up JFK
Iraq is Hillary's Achilles heel
. ..... The point isn't just how Clinton voted in 2002, but how she is thinking in 2007. If she really believes that we are safer now than we were before Bush invaded Iraq, she is seriously misguided -- and is on the wrong side of the national security debate that will undoubtedly be at the heart of the 2008 election. ....... The Obama campaign issued a press release Monday afternoon, "
America is not safer since 9/11
." ..... Recent studies by the U.S. State Department and the Council on Global Terrorism confirm that
the war in Iraq has accelerated the spread of terrorism and increased the threat of attacks
. .... number 1 finding --
"Five Year Assessment: As of Now, West is in a Worsening Position in Struggle Against Radical Islam."
The report issued a D+ for "Combating Islamic Extremist Terrorism," saying, "there is every sign that radicalization in the Muslim world is spreading rather than shrinking." ..... threats to the U.S. at home and abroad will become more diverse and that could lead to increasing attacks worldwide ...... a 29% increase in terrorism worldwide from 2005 to 2006(much of that gain took place in Iraq and Afghanistan). The new statistics record
a rise in terrorist attacks on nonmilitary targets globally to
in 2006
from 11,153 in 2005, with an increase in deaths to
from 14,618. ...... al Qaeda has trained up to
jihadists in Afghanistan
Al Qaeda Strikes Back
Foreign Affairs
By rushing into Iraq instead of finishing off the hunt for Osama bin Laden, Washington has unwittingly helped its enemies: al Qaeda has more bases, more partners, and more followers today than it did on the eve of 9/11. Now the group is working to set up networks in the Middle East and Africa -- and may even try to lure the United States into a war with Iran. Washington must focus on attacking al Qaeda's leaders and ideas and altering the local conditions in which they thrive.
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