If Bill O'Reilly of Fox News - F for fake, F for Fox, f for F___ - goes after Barack Obama's African heritage, Ireland is fair game. Ireland, the potatoe - Dan O'Reilly Quail - famine country.
Bill O'Reilly is one of the mascots of the hate-industrial complex in this country. He preaches hatred, he preaches prejudice, he preaches hostility to cultural diversity. He is a self-professed Culture Warrior. He is not a talk show host, he is a talk show bulley in a long tradition of high school bulleys.
Just like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly has made a total of five points in the entire span of his career. And he repeats them day after day. That is reflective of the IQ of his audience, especially his top dog audience in the White House.
If Bill O'Reilly is an independent, I am an astronaut. This guy is a rabid dog of the right wing social structure in this country that pounces on instinct on anything smelling progressive.
He makes no pretensions to hide his utterly racist contempt for the Global South, and so is a legitimate object of ridicule.
He gives white males across this country a bad name.
Bill O'Reilly: A Right Wing Gadfly
Bill O'Reilly
Bill's Official Home On The Web
Bill O’Reilly | The O’Reilly Factor - FOXNews.com
Bill O'Reilly (commentator) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for an unknown period of time, O'Reilly has been registered as having no party affiliation since 2001. ...... Being a registered RepublicanHe played semi-professional baseball during this time as a pitcher for the Brooklyn Monarchs, leading him to try out to play for the American professional baseball team, the New York Mets. After college he worked for two years as a high school French teacher. ....... He later left CBS over, among other tensions, a dispute concerning the uncredited use in a report by Bob Schieffer of riot footage shot by O'Reilly's crew in Buenos Aires during the Falklands conflict. (A 1998 novel by O'Reilly, Those Who Trespass: A Novel of Television and Murder, depicts a television reporter who has a similar dispute over a Falklands War report. The character proceeds to exact his revenge on network staff in a series of graphically described murders.) ....... O'Reilly also obtained the first exclusive interview with murderer Joel Steinberg and was the first television host from a national current affairs program on the scene of the 1992 Los Angeles riots. ........ In 1995 ... enrolled at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, where he received a Master's Degree in Public Administration. Upon leaving Harvard, O'Reilly was hired by Roger Ailes, chairman and CEO of the then startup FOX News Channel, to anchor The O'Reilly Report. The nascent channel's most popular show was renamed to The O'Reilly Factor when it moved to a later time slot in 1998 since the host was the main "factor" of the show. ........ According to an October 2005 interview in Newsday, O'Reilly hired bodyguards and is very sensitive about the general public taking pictures of him, calling some of them "stealth paparazzi". ...... O'Reilly has requested that no photographs of his home or family be made public—citing a desire to protect his family's privacy and security. ....... The O'Reilly Factor, is routinely the highest-rated show of the three major U.S. 24-hour cable news channels (CNN, FOX News and MSNBC). The show is taped late in the afternoon at a studio in New York City and airs daily on the FOX News Channel at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. .......... O'Reilly devoted substantial time on his television show and wrote pieces alleging that the United Way and American Red Cross failed to deliver millions of dollars in donated money, raised by the organizations in the name of the disaster, to the families of those killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks ......... Actor George Clooney defended the United Way from O'Reilly's criticisms of a telethon which ended up raising $129.5 million, plus an additional $12 million in CD and DVD sales ........ On January 10, 2005, Clooney sent an e-mail to O'Reilly which pointed out that the United Way, not the Red Cross, sponsored the telethon and claimed that O'Reilly's comments were for personal gain and would cause fewer people to donate to the cause. Clooney also invited O'Reilly to present at the event and personally oversee and help the fund raising. O'Reilly responded later on his nightly show, "That sounds good to me, but I have to see what the format is." ......... On October 13, 2004, O'Reilly filed a preemptive lawsuit against O'Reilly Factor producer Andrea Mackris ....... See, I don't want to fit any of those labels, because I believe that the truth doesn't have labels. ........ Speaking on ABC's Good Morning America on 18 March 2003, O'Reilly made the following promise: "If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush administration again." ......... After reading a poll showing that only 2% of the Iraqi people viewed the US Forces as liberators and 55% preferred that they leave, O'Reilly said they are a prehistoric group and he has no respect for them. He added: "we cannot intervene in the Muslim world ever again. What we can do is bomb the living daylights out of them (...) no more ground troops, no more hearts and minds, ain't going to work." ............ In an interview with Jay Leno he said, "I just feel that Hillary is a socialist, and I'm paying enough tax. Hillary wants to take my money [and] your money ... and give it to strangers. There's something about that that offends me." ....... criticized her for running as a political carpetbagger as well as her intentions of abolishing the Electoral College in favor of popular vote ....... "[T]he left-wing media has been able to convince millions of Americans that the government knows what's best for families, not the parents," he said. ...... He has commented extensively on the gay marriage issue that erupted in San Francisco, and has criticized Schwarzenegger and Bush for not speaking out against the issue, which O'Reilly interpreted as "just hide whenever the culture war issues appear." ........ He claims when Bill Moyers retired from PBS the press did not describe Moyers as a liberal, but "[i]f I retire, from THIS program, the word conservative would be used 18 times..." ........ He has supported the mention of intelligent design in schools and considers the National Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science opposition to be fascist. ....... O'Reilly has been critical of the ACLU, calling it "the most dangerous organization in the United States of America". He has called them a fascist organization ....... O'Reilly has taken to using the abbreviation "S.P.", for "Secular Progressive" ....... for the nation's worst criminals (e.g. murderers, rapists, and terrorists) as an alternative to the current prison system. He proposes a gulag style prison located in Alaska where such criminals would be forced to work eight hours a day, six days a week. Visitation would be limited to a few visitors a year. Punishment would be enforced through food rationing and solitary confinement. In his view, this could also replace the death penalty, to which he is opposed. ........ criticized Bush for not allocating enough resources to make border security effective ...... O'Reilly supports gun control. However, he also voiced support for private gun ownership after Hurricane Katrina. ........ He has endorsed politicians like Republican Doug Forrester in the 2005 New Jersey gubernatorial election ....... O'Reilly is a frequent critic of government welfare and poverty programs. He is also critical of the estate tax which taxes up to 46 percent of estates which, under current federal law, are valued over $2 million. ........ O'Reilly has said French unemployment and subsequent riots are the common effects of socialist thinking. ........ He says he supports income-based affirmative action as opposed to race-related affirmative action. ....... He said that much of the chaos following Hurricane Katrina occurred because roughly 10 percent of the population cannot sustain itself no matter what. He has said that much of the funds doled out under entitlement programs is wasted on alcohol and drugs. ........ O'Reilly generally supports the science behind global warming, although he has said that it is not entirely certain that fossil fuels are the cause. ....... He has also discussed controversial topics like the "War on Christmas." ....... He has been quoted as saying that Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer and should not be cited for hard facts ........ The media watch group, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, has published a book entitled The "Oh Really?" Factor, by author Peter Hart (ISBN 158322601X). The book catalogues what are argued to be distortions and inaccuracies on the part of O'Reilly. .......... the Comedy Central program The Colbert Report, hosted by Stephen Colbert, parodies The O'Reilly Factor. Colbert has called his character, whom he based upon O'Reilly, a "misinformed, high-status idiot."
Culture Warrior. Non-fiction. .... O'Reilly argues that there is an intense culture war between "traditionalists" and "secular-progressives" in American society ..... describes "traditionalists" as those who feel that the United States should be based upon a values system of hard work, care for others, and opportunity. ....... the term "secular-progressives" to refer to those people whom he accuses of believing that the United States is an evil nation that needs drastic changes. O'Reilly argues that these secular-progressives are virtual socialists and are implementing change in the United States through judicial activism. The term "secular-progressive", which he abbreviates to "S-P", is used widely by O'Reilly throughout the book. .......... "diamond bright, ready to pounce, and never at a loss for words" ...... "more resentful and self-pitying than feisty" ...... "It seems O'Reilly feels he is entitled to his own facts as well." .... "replete with factual errors, rank hypocrisy, and ad hominem attacks directed at anyone who has crossed swords with O'Reilly." ..... O'Reilly called Media Matters a "left-wing smear site."
Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly, International
Bill O'Reilly
O'Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit - October 13, 2004
WorldNetDaily: WorldNetDaily News Archives
Bill O'Reilly - Media Matters
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