Friday, July 22, 2016

Trump: The Man The Founders Feared

Trump: The Man The Founders Feared

Trump's boorish, selfish, puerile, and repulsive character, combined with his prideful ignorance, his off-the-cuff policy making, and his neo-fascistic tendencies make him the most divisive and scary of any serious presidential candidate in American history. He is precisely "the man the founders feared"  

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Kaine Possibility

Independent Senators 15 Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Tap Tim Kaine

Looks like the consensus is gelling around Kaine. If he be the pick, Warren should be given a large role in the fall campaign. Send her to all 50 states solo. She is electrifying.

It would feel odd though. I feel like Warren has earned it.

Not Picking Warren Would Be A Mistake

Tim Kaine

Not picking Warren would be a mistake, like Al Gore keeping Bill Clinton away in 2000.

Warren earned it. Imagine the Republican nomination in Cleveland going to Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush. Donald Trump is bad but he won the votes in the primary.

Warren has earned the VP spot as much as Hillary has earned the top spot. Somebody from that crowd is most likely to succeed Hillary in eight years.

I have nothing against Tim Kaine any more than I have anything against Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush. Let the democratic process decide.

Not picking Warren is going to pour water on the enthusiasm.