Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Two More Arguments For Warren

One is that she is the only person in both parties who seems to know exactly how to tackle Trump.

The second is that the left that Warren represents and the center that Hillary represents have to be welded together. Otherwise what is the Democratic Party?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

America Needs To Build A Wall Around Donald Trump

America is a country of immigrants. That is America's past, present and future. That is the source of America's greatness.

Donald Trump might lose all 50 states, but he doesn't care. He knows he can be on TV anytime he wants next year. To him that is "winning."

But there is no mistaking the poisoning of the atmosphere. His rhetoric is so thoroughly inflammatory. There is no arguing against free speech, no matter what The Donald says, but I wonder if America needs to build a wall around Donald Trump.

The Biggest Fallacy In American Democracy

The biggest fallacy in American democracy is that America is going to wait until every country on earth has become a democracy, and since that might not happen for a while, America is going to fight the idea of a world government tooth and nail.

Except now America's hand is being forced. The world's hand is being forced. Planet earth is Titanic, headed straight for an iceberg right now.

On a phenomenon as complex as climate and weather, there is remarkable agreement among scientists on where we stand today, and where we are headed in the near future. A hurricane like Sandy was never supposed to hit a city like New York, but it did.

Right now the planet is headed on a path to more and more extreme weather conditions. That going out of hand is a scenario where weather conditions in all parts of the world are extreme, volatile, and completely unpredictable. The fastest computers will have no clue. That is a bye bye agriculture scenario. Six billion people die. To get there all humanity has to do is stay on course. And The Devil's dream scenario gets realized. Kill Them All is The Devil's mantra.

But six billion don't fast to death. The kinds of human conflicts can't even be imagined. Humanity ends up in the stone age.

But the planet is not on an autopilot. It does not have to be this way. There's still time. There are still good options. There is a bend in the road the likes of which humanity has never seen. If the right moves are made, the worst case scenario is not only avoided, the world ends up in an Age Of Abundance. It is quite a bend in the road. Imagine a thousand trillion dollar global economy. Imagine a global Universal Basic Income, because the productivity gains from new technology are so out of the pale.

What is to be done? Step one is the formation of a world government. America as the leading nation has to lead. Barack Obama would be perfect for the George Washington role.

While the political trinity of Hillary, Warren and Bill Clinton run the show in DC. The President, the Vice President, and the Political Spirit.

Just like the League Of Nations became the United Nations, the UN can morph to become the world government.

Only a world government could steer humanity away from the impending climate catastrophe.

A year after Hillary has become president would be a good time to get started.

I believe the formula is fairly simple. A lower house where each country's weight is in proportion to its population, and an upper house where each country's weight is in proportion to its GDP, and 1% of GDP as each country's membership fee.

The President Of The World has to be able to collect over 50% of the votes in both chambers for a five year term.

But that is now. Eventually you want a directly elected POW, with people casting votes on their phones through their biometric IDs over a period of a week. You are hoping over 80% of the votes get cast.

The world government would have three branches, and a constitution. Something short and simple like the US constitution would work.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Why Warren?

A campaign has to go through its motions and considering someone for Veep is a great way to reach out to an important constituency, but I don't see how anyone except Elizabeth Warren can be it.

No woman has ever been president. Why do you think that is? Sexism.

Sexism is wrong. Sexism is unnatural. Sexism was never God's intention. It drags everybody down.

You can not rectify the situation with just one woman. You need two women on the ticket.

The stars have aligned.

Barack Obama, in his endorsement, called Hillary "the most qualified person ever to hold the office." I thought he was being objective.

This woman was Co-Governor for go count how many years. This was not some pretty woman standing by the side cutting ribbons. She basically architected Bill Clinton's reelection when he lost a term. This woman was Co-President for eight years. Not only that she will bring in Bill Clinton in a large role, possibly creating a political trinity. (First Lad?) Bill Clinton has sound political instincts, outstanding emotional intelligence, outstanding economic credentials, and possibly the largest personal network of anyone alive today. This woman was Senator. This woman was a presidential candidate who only narrowly lost to someone as gifted as Barack Obama. She was Secretary Of State. And she was outstanding. I am still trying to understand how she solved Burma. So, yes, she is very, very qualified. But the next woman after her should not have to be this qualified. I am hoping the next woman president only will have been Governor before assuming the big office.

Warren is also very qualified. She is so qualified I think if she had run instead of Bernie, there is no telling what might have happened. But that she did not run is testimony to the fact that she is a team player who prizes Hillary's centrist instincts. For it is not about making the right noise. It is about getting things done. Bernie, on the other hand, can come across as unrealistic. He seems to think if he can only convince one person Hillary. That is not how it works. If it were only about convincing one person Hillary, much bigger things than anything Bernie has proposed would materialize.

Which is why Bernie has to do all he can to bring all his supporters to Hillary. The bigger the mandate, more gets done.

As I am seeing right now, this is going to be the most uncontested presidential election in US history. The White House part of the race is over. The Senate part of the race is over. Now it is about the House. Hillary could win the House. Hillary could win Texas. Hillary could win the South with abortion.

But for that you need Warren. Warren is the original flag bearer, the original leader, the first choice of the crowd that went for Bernie. You add that crowd to your crowd, and you are already at 55%.

Two strong, smart women on the ticket, and a lot of Republican women will ditch the party. Now you are at 60%.

Blacks were already with Hillary. By now Hispanics are also as staunchly with Hillary. Thank you, Donald.

I just read a news report where some men on Wall Street are warning against Warren. These are sexist men who know nothing about politics and very little about banking. Don't listen to them.

One word: Blockchain.

This election is as existential as Climate Change. No mandate will be too big.

The next three Supreme Court judges going progressive, America will get the campaign finance reform and electoral reform it deserves.

This is not just about one country. This is about all humanity.

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Donald, You Are No Jack Kennedy

Some Senator used that line against Dan Quale to devastating effects. That Senator was inducted into his cabinet by Bill Clinton, I think for using that line.

And now we have the gutter politician Trump University chancellor (left, right, center, gutter) suggesting he is Jack Kennedy. He is not being as direct. He is merely suggesting his wife is like Jackie Kennedy.

I don't qualify for anyone's cabinet and I am no Senator but, Donald, you are no Jack Kennedy.

But nice try. And beautiful wife.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Gutter

In politics there's the left, there's the right, there's the center, and there's the gutter. Donald Trump is in the gutter with his racist, sexist, xenophobic talk.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Holocaust Denial, Climate Change Denial

Donald Trump's number one crime is Climate Change denial.

In a worst case scenario Climate Change kills more than six billion people. Humanity is back in the stone age. And this is in the future. And it is preventable.

The path the earth is on right now leads to the worst case scenario. There is some serious steering to do.

But if the steering is done, the best case scenario has solar meeting 100% of the energy needs by as early as 2030, and the world ends up with almost free, limitless clean energy.

The best case scenario is The Age Of Abundance on all fronts.

Step one is a genuine world government. Barack Obama needs to play George Washington.

In short, there is a bend in the road, probably one of the most important bends in human history. To use one of Obama's favorite phrases, the arc of history bends towards justice, but it does not bend on its own.

There is work to do. There are choices to be made. There is a guy with horns and a tail to be vanquished. His name is Donald Trump.

The world government charges an annual membership fee of 1% of GDP from all countries. There are two chambers to its parliament. In the lower chamber each country's weight is in proportion to its population. In the upper chamber each country's weight is in proportion to its GDP. There are three branches to the government. The UN sees a sunset. A world government is born.


Monday, June 06, 2016

New York City Is Under Colonial Rule

It is. Half of New Yorkers can't even vote in the city elections. Taxation without representation is going on, big time. The capital city of the world has full fledged colonial rule.

Mexicans pretty much run this city. As in, take away the Mexicans and the city grinds down to a halt. And Mexicans are almost all Christians, devout ones too. That does not seem to help. There is full throttle anti Mexican racism. Every brick of the Trump Tower has some Mexican's name written on it.

Name calling is the tip of the iceberg. Structural racism is the iceberg. Like, denying voting rights. That is the mother lode of structural racism.

A functioning democracy is like a functional marketplace. Demand and supply takes care of things.

NYC is the biggest bastion the Democratic Party has. But it is under colonial rule. So in a functioning democracy the way it would work is the opposition party would step in. The Republican Party would pick up the cudgels to end colonial rule and spread the love of voting rights.

But no. The Republican Party would like to take away whatever little voting rights there are.

That is dysfunction. That is a dysfunctional democracy. It would not be that big of a problem, except there are quite literally existential implications.

America is the number one culprit behind global warming. The planet is hurtling towards the stone age at breakneck speed.

The very first step to applying the breaks is a world government: one person, one vote, one voice, 24/7, local to global. The UN is a joke. It is no world government. Every country should pay 1% of its GDP as a membership fee. That would be a small price to pay to not go back to the stone age.

Imagine Donald Trump's day job as a stone breaker. It could happen.


Sunday, June 05, 2016

A Campaign To Thoroughly Discredit Reagan

There is a campaign underway to thoroughly discredit Ronald Reagan, the Republican gold standard, and, surprisingly, it is not coming from the Democratic side. There are conservatives out to prove Ronald Reagan was exactly like The Donald before he got elected president. Reagan also supposedly hosted a talk show. Trump talks of Mexican rapists, Reagan supposedly holds the copyright on the phrase "welfare queen," an intentional gross exaggeration of the facts. There seem to be quite a few such parallels.

Facts-free racism, as directed against Barack Obama by a recalcitrant Congress, and facts-free sexism, completely unhinged from facts and logic, as directed against Hillary (for the umpteenth time, it is the Department Of Defense, not State, that has been tasked with protecting embassies) is a slippery slope. When you lack political mojo, but you practice it, then, it is a slippery slope. You keep falling. If it were evidence based decision making, data based, subject to logic, deliberation, and such, then you have something to hold on to, and you don't fall. But facts-free is slippery. You fall.

There is a very real possibility Donald Trump is the last of the Mohicans, I mean Republicans.

Lincoln moved above party, even country, a long time ago. He is not thought of as American, let alone Republican. Reagan was all you had. Trump is busy knocking out the facade. Emperor Reagan, it seems, was naked. Supply side economics is voodoo. That was Reagan fishing in the murky waters of the Cold War. It was voodoo from the outset.

I am for small government. There's stuff a government must do, and only the government can and should do, and I want all that to be done with as little money and people as possible. Efficiency is good for business, it is also good for government. But learn from the Chinese to respect bureaucrats.

I am for a total spread of democracy, but you get there by allowing everyone who lives in New York City to vote in the city elections. NYC is under colonial rule right now. Almost half of New Yorkers can't even vote in the city elections.

I am strong on defense, but the best way to get there is through a total spread of democracy and, yes, a world government, one person one vote one voice 24/7 local to global. Every country should pay 1% of its GDP as a membership fee. The world government is what will bring about a total spread of democracy, it's not the other way round. People are born equal, all people, everywhere.


Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Whose Job Is It?

Donald Trump went all the way to New Mexico to denounce the Republican Latina governor of the state for "not doing her job."

I wonder if he thinks the wall is her job. That there is no wall means she is not doing her job.

New Mexico is a border state, is it not?

Men's Genius On Abortion

That the way to eliminate abortions in society is by making abortions illegal, I have no idea who wrote those laws when they existed, but if I had to guess, those laws were written by men. Only manly genius could have come up with such a thing.

Like some dude said only a few years ago, the way to stop rape was for women to "shut the whole thing down," which takes us right down to Anatomy 101, back to the basics, as they say.

You could not make poverty illegal and thus end it. You end poverty through economic growth and public policy. That there is any trace of poverty on earth is a failure of public policy.

Abortion is the same way. You have to tackle it through a wide range of policy initiatives. Helping women attain purchasing power parity with men tops my list on abortion. Treating domestic violence as the top global security threat is right up there. Universal and easy availability of family planning services is a no brainer, and by universal I mean global. Sex education (yes, that would mean Anatomy 101) for men has got to be top priority, but not just sex as biology, but broadly speaking gender, with the social, cultural aspects. A sex educated man will not crack sexist jokes, will not make demeaning sexist comments, will complain about a sexist media, etc. Sex illiterates should not be able to survive a primary season.  

(I am starting to sound more and more like Elizabeth Warren. I guess I do admire her. She is the only person who seems to know how to absolutely demolish Trump. When Warren goes after Trump, it feels like Mike Tyson stepped into the ring. The fight might be over in a few minutes. She is so good at it, many Republicans wish she had her on their side during the primaries. And to think once upon a time early in life, she was a Republican indeed, just like Hillary was.)