Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Issues And The Donald

This is a weekly 30 minute TV show I am proposing. There is a King Arthur's style round table, with The Donald chairing. The rule is he may not prepare beforehand, he may not be briefed. He just has to show up.

He is president. The cabinet sits around the table. The rule is cabinet members may not have any background or expertise in the departments they are chairing.

And they talk the issues of the day.

At the end of each show, he is required to fire one cabinet member. It is survival of the fittest. It is political Survivor.

The Donald gets paid top money for the show. It starts in February 2017 and goes to November 2024.

And they have to finish one pizza per show.

Paris And Brussels

At what point is it Pearl Harbor? There is a threshold.

One Final Battle
Mecca To Jerusalem
One World, One Government

Explosions at Airport and Subway Kill 34 in Brussels

Monday, March 21, 2016

If Robots Can Do Surgery

English: The mdonalds logo from the late 90s
English: The mdonalds logo from the late 90s (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If robots can do surgery then becoming a surgeon should be less complicated than flipping burgers at McDonald's. Massive rises in productivity can mean the average wages go up dramatically, granted political innovation keeps pace with innovations in technology.

When you use a computer today, do you do it because you understand how all the machine parts work? Do you care? Do you use it because it is slower than you?

Cars and planes are faster than human beings.

Assume 90% of the products and services are not even here. If the human brain is the pinnacle of evolution, then public policy should treat every human brain on earth like it were a gold mine, which is precisely what it is. I don't see the investment happening right now.

Don't blame robots for failures in public policy.

One person, one vote, one voice is a powerful concept. It just needs to be taken to its logical conclusion.

If racism is a Christian thing (colonization, slavery, segregation) then Christianity, the religion, is nothing to do with Christ. Any message against peace, justice and kindness is invalid in all religions. The temple needs to be cleaned up on a regular basis.

We are to create Heaven On Earth. Massive rises in productivity are to take us there. But Godless "visionaries" throw visions of hell on earth. Instead of an age of abundance they talk about abundant poor and useless people.

Artificial Intelligence can help us achieve one person, one vote, one voice 24/7, it can help us do away with the need for literacy. It can give us the perfect communication that a theoretical perfect market economy needs, one where a monopoly simply can not happen, and there is almost always perfect competition.

Technology is supposed to empower. Instead some prophesy helplessness for the masses. They are wrong.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

In The News (4)

Productivity And Political Innovation

The computer as we know it has changed relentlessly over the past two decades. And not just one part. It is not like the processing power has gone up and up and up but everything else has stayed the same. And we don't struggle with it. We have expected all parts to get better.

But now, with all this talk of tremendous gains in productivity that awaits us, we only focus on the productivity gain part brought forth by innovation. But we don't expect political innovation to keep pace with it.

Humanity needs to stay on top of all this. It needs to organize itself through the one person, one vote, one voice principle taken to its logical global conclusion. I think we are looking at a future where We The People own 5-10% of every company, collectively. As in, companies don't just pay taxes. They also share some equity with the public.

If you take the masses out of the equation, very soon those productivity gains don't matter. Let's assume 90% of the products and the services of the future are not even here. Well, we will need people to be able to purchase those products and services. The per capita income will have to go up and up, not just in poor countries, but also in the rich countries.

What does the Moore's Law of political innovation say? Where are we in 20, 30, 50, 100 years?

I see species level political structures. A world government would be a good start.

Taking the masses out of massive productivity gains is not possible, not desirable. We need to tweak the political system a little.